Thursday, May 30, 2024

America, the Fraudulent: The Revolutionary War Was A Terrible, Murderous Mistake


Alan Archibald

10:16 AM (9 minutes ago)
to Stephen

I am increasingly convinced that the American Revolution was a bad idea.

A terrible idea.

A deadly, murderous idea.

Canada (where I attended university, and where I learned the difference between Civilization and Barbarism) was also a British colony, but chose not to revolt.

Instead, Canada evolved -- peacefully -- into a civilized country, and then enjoyed the many benefits of being part of the British Commonwealth of Nations.

Notably, the Presbyterian minister, Tommy Douglas, who founded Canada's National Healthcare System -- which covers EVERYONE, and covers them COMPLETELY -- was voted "The Greatest Canadian" over a two year period of open voting.

On the other hand...

Here in The United States of Barbaria we contaminated our national wellspring with unnecessary bloodshed. 

Why did we do this?

Not surprisingly, The Founding Fathers were in pursuit of lower taxes. 

Fact Checked By Snopes: Warren Buffett Says If Just 800 Other American Companies Paid The Same 21% Tax Rate That His Company "Berkshire Hathaway" Pays, There Would Be No Need For Any Individual American To Pay Any Federal Income Tax Or Any Social Security Tax

This is what "The Capitalist Deep State" hath wrought: complete ignorance of the underlying truth.


How embarrassing.

Starting a war over "lower taxes!" when every one of the rebellious founders was a rich man, particularly in terms of land, which they acquired just by grabbing it from the Native Americans - "savages" who "weren't using it anyway."

It fact checks.

America, the Fraudulent: The Graceland Land Grab

And now this...

"It couldn't happen here" is an even more bullshit statement than the bilge oozing incessantly from Malignant Messiah's mouth

Master Compendium Of Pax-Barbaria Posts On Trump's Compulsive Mendacity: All Lies, All The Time (Or Damn Close...)

Compendium Of Trump Videos That Reveal His Arrogance, Inhumanity, Stupidity And Cruelty


Donald Trump, Felon: Re-Visiting Trump University

Similarities Between Hitler And Trump

Eisenhower Reveals THE DEEP STATE: Ike's Farewell Address Televised From The Oval Office Sounds The Alarm That The "Military-Industrial Complex" Comprises The Greatest Threat To American Democracy By Making Us A Murderous Corporatocracy

Capitalism Is America (And The World's) Foremost Propellant Of Moral And Environmental Degradation (A Propellant That "The Deep State Renders Nearly Invisible)

The Original And Enduring Conspiracy: It's About Keeping The Filthy Rich, Filthy Rich

The Deep State Is Real: Plutocratic, Oligarchic, Unbridled Capitalism

The irony in ALL THIS, is that most Americans - perhaps a decisive majority - will be more upset by my factual analysis of what has happened -- and what is happening now -- than they are by the biblical abomination of Donald Trump.

Pax et amor



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