Tuesday, May 28, 2024

"You are gangsters": Robert De Niro clashes with pro-Trump protesters. My physician friend David Stoltze left the state a decade ago after a foreboding that the United States had embarked a non-reversible path toward fascism


"You are gangsters": Robert De Niro clashes with pro-Trump protesters

Alan Archibald alanarchibaldo@gmail.com


David Stoltze’s forbears lined up on both sides of the Third Reich.

12 years ago, during the run-up to Obama‘s election, David became enthusiastic - for the first time in a long while — about the prospects of American governance.

But only a couple years into Obama‘s administration, David — a bright, sensitive, insightful fellow — saw the writing on the wall.

And what he saw written was that America’s trajectory was hellbound for a fascist takeover.

And so, to avoid the turmoil that the Stoltze family lived through 80 years ago, he decided to re-tool as a Canadian certified physician, and — with his wife, Rose — moved to his mother-in-law‘s hometown of Kamloops, British Columbia, 600 miles south of the Arctic Circle.

Of course, “it ain’t over till it’s over,“ but every day David looks more prescient.

The article below links to Robert De Niro’s terrific, no-holds-barred address outside Mafia Don’s NYC courthouse today.


And damned difficult to dispute.


Pretty soon, we could be worrying “what” we say out loud.

Or, IF we can speak out loud at all, particularly if we’ve been critical of Mofo in the past.

If Malignant Messiah wins in November, prepare for “all vengeance, all the time.”

The Armageddon cheerleaders (and their conservative Christian affiliates) whose united front single-handedly put Agent Orange in the White House, will be lathered to do it again, this time with a vengeance rivaled only by Trump’s own retaliatory malice.

Tell a friend.


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