Friday, June 16, 2023

Friend Patrick O'Neill Responds To Joe Moran's Great Letter-To-The-Editor


Trump's Handpicked Kansas Politician, Kris Kobach, Is Emblematic Of The Bullsh*t Nonsense That Has Become The Bogus Essence Of The Republican Party

Whether you're a Democrat, an Old Guard Republicn, or a Trump Cultist, this post is ALL you need to know about "trumped up" "Voter Fraud"

Compendium Of Best "Voter Fraud" And "Voter Suppression" Posts - Updated

The Republican Party's Passion For Voter Disenfranchisement: Pacifist Friend Patrick O'Neill (A Prisoner Of Conscience) Sent This Letter To The Editor

In Oregon --- With Automatic Voter Registration And 100% Mail-In Voting --- There Is "Not A Whiff Of Irregularity"

Trump Comments On Voter Fraud: People Can Only Be This Stupid When Their Identity Depends On Being Stupid

"When The Electorate Is THIS Stupid, Is ANY Delusional Thinking Out Of Bounds?"

Why I Always Vote - And Routinely Compromise My Principles - In Order To Elect A Winnable Candidate Who Is "The Lesser Of Two Evils"

Stephen Colbert And Seth Myer Review The Ugly Death Of Trump's Embarrassing Attempt To Seize Joe Biden's Popular Votes

Trump Is The Most Gifted Criminal Genius In The History Of The World - A Houdini Who Can Make Personal Responsibility Disappear. "Malignant Messiah" Can Shoot Someone On 5th Avenue -- In Broad Daylight -- And Not Lose Any Voters. But "Getting Away With Murder" Is The Least Of It. "Lingering Orange Fart" Attempted A Coup D' Etat And Then Persuaded Half The Nation That He Deserves A Mulligan

The Insuperable Stupidity-Perversity-Ignorance Of Diehard Trump Supporters

Compendium Of Trump Videos That Reveal His Arrogance, Inhumanity, Stupidity And Cruelty

"If Trump Voters Listened To Reason, They Wouldn't Be Trump Voters"

Kayleigh McEnany's Lies About Alleged Voter Fraud Reveal The Sludge Sucking Nature Of The Beast

Trump, The Popular Vote, And The Electoral College 

Nicholas Kristof Probes The Republican Party's Opposition To Voting Rights And America's Apparent Decline Into Mediocrity... If Not Worse

Racism And Voter Suppression By Crippling The Post Office

Urging Republicans To Break The Law Trump Tells Supporters To Vote Twice - A Felony

"Trump And His Cultists Are Arsonists Pretending To Be Firefighters"

My Criticism Of People Who Argue That It's Better To Vote For A Third Party Candidate, Or For No One At All

Compendium Of Best "Pax On Barbaria" Posts About Cheating As A Republican Compulsion And A Conservative Obsession

In Oregon --- With Automatic Voter Registration And 100% Mail-In Voting --- There Is "Not A Whiff Of Irregularity"

My Most Frequently Visited Memes (As Of August, 2017)

Great Letter Joe. Vicki makes a good point. In light of the decline of the daily newspaper, we have to try to assess what is the value of a LTTE.  
I think of things I've done in the past; many hard work, but worth the effort: Soap Box Forum (public speaking, street theatre in crowded spaces, etc.); Counter Recruitment in middle and high schools and at places where kids gather and handout a well-done Counter-Recruitment flyer (sporting events, nightclubs, concert venues and more); Listening Projects (on the street or door-to-door); Creative Nonviolent direct action; "Bird-Dogging legislators and other oppressors; More 3rd party activism; Public Fasting for Peace .... to name a few. Perhaps there are more suggestions. Sitting at my computer is much easier activism ... but?

Any of Us could start one or more of these campaigns. Peace and Hope, Patrick

On Thursday, June 15, 2023 at 04:07:32 PM EDT, Vicki Ryder" (via peacemediagroup Mailing List) wrote:

I also submitted an LTE to the McClatchy papers earlier this month, Joe, but never even got an acknowledgement, so I'm rethinking where I put my energies these days. Now I find myself wondering if Legislative lobbying, coupled with direct action, might not bring better -- and quicker -- results. 
Your thoughts?

On Thu, Jun 15, 2023 at 3:45 PM Joe Moran <> wrote:

“I like Trump because he says it like it is,” many of his supporters have told me over the years. 

Three years ago Trump said that the Democratic party’s efforts to make it easier for Americans to vote by having mail-in ballots, making sure there were drop boxes in all parts of town, approving same-day registration and extending early voting days were “..crazy,” and that “if you ever agreed to it, you’d never have a Republican elected in this country again.” 

It wasn’t a novel GOP idea. “I don’t want everybody to vote,” Paul Weyrich, an influential conservative activist, said in 1980. “As a matter of fact, our leverage in the elections quite candidly goes up as the voting populace goes down.”  (The Guardian, March 30, 2020).

Looking at what GOP legislatures are currently doing, in NC as well as other legislatures around the country, we have to agree that Trump “says it like it is.” But having said that, what is happening also spells the end of a government “of the people, by the people and for the people.”

Joseph C. Moran
916 Knight Dr.
Durham, NC 27712
Mobile: (919) 471-4777


Compendium Of Best "Pax" Memes And Cartoons



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