Friday, May 5, 2023

The Republican Party's Passion For Voter Disenfranchisement: Pacifist Friend Patrick O'Neill (A Prisoner Of Conscience) Sent This Letter To The Editor

Patrick stands at the left in the back row.

My Letter To Pacifist Friend (And Plowshares Activist Patrick O'Neill), Concerning Perfectionism And The Tendency For "The Perfect" To Be "Enemy Of The Good"

Plowshares Resistance: Friend Patrick O'Neill's Prison Diary - Entry #4

Correspondence With Plowshares Prisoner-of-Conscience Patrick O'Neill Concerning Deitrich Bonhoeffer's Call For "Religionless Christianity"

 Plowshares Compendium

----- Forwarded Message -----
To: Undisclosed
Sent: Tuesday, May 2, 2023 at 11:01:39 PM EDT
Subject: Letter

   Despite having endured harsh consequences for a nonviolent crime including high bond, two years being forced to wear an ankle monitor while under house arrest, almost a year of federal incarceration in a prison far away from my family and now three more years of supervised probation, I now face the additional consequence of losing my right to vote thanks to a cruel decision by the North Carolina Supreme Court.

 The primary purpose of incarceration in this country is punishment, and the Supreme Court has decided to add insult to injury by meting out additional punishment for people who have already served their prison time.

 Since the court's ruling that anyone on parole or probation can no longer vote came the same week as the court's reinstatement of voter ID and allowing race-based redistricting to stand, it seems pretty clear the conservative justices are trying to prevent as many people of color, poor people and former prisoners from accessing the vote.

 The indignities never seem to end for those Jesus calls "the least of these."

Patrick O'Neill 
Alan Archibald:

Good letter, Patrick!

Thanks for writing.

Since the Republican Party is no longer the Republican Party (in any recognizable fashion), maybe it’s time to assign the animal it’s true name: “The Enemy Of One-Person-One-Vote Party.”

Any variation on “The Fascism Party” it’s too inflammatory, except when preaching to the choir.

It is now flamingly evident that American “conservatives” do not believe in the core principle, “one person, one vote.”

It is a is an open secret that their heart of hearts, they despise truly representative government.

If contemporary conservatives were to have a principle, it might be summarized, “Suffrage For Ignorant Assholes Only.”

Here’s an eye-opener:

Or, “Moloch’s Human Sacrifice Party.”

Or, pope John Paul, II’s “Culture of Death Party.”

Pax et amor

Alan 🙏

Sent from my iPhone 

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