Sunday, February 12, 2023

My Best Attempt To "Get Through" To A White Nationalist "Christian" Zealot, QAnon Addict, And Die-hard Trump Cultist


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Karen Kolbinsky
Karen Kolbinsky
I think what matters to all of us who actually love our country and care about what our grandchildren will inherit that we ourselves had been so blessed to receive through the BLOOD SWEAT and TEARS of our own parents and theirs? It's got to do with REALITY and TRUTH. REAL LOVE not the kind of euphemism people use to cover up slavery and rape while claiming it to be "equal" or the "the same" thing our parents and grandparents showed us from the time we were born. Children who are treasured from the womb will be loved and honored at the tomb. How sad so many are just turned into ashes instead.
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Alan Archibald
I have come to favor a bible translation called The Message - as has an evangelical friend of mine.
Here is a passage from Matthew's 5th chapter: 43-47 “You’re familiar with the old written law, ‘Love your friend,’ and its unwritten companion, ‘Hate your enemy.’ I’m challenging that. I’m telling you to love your enemies. Let them bring out the best in you, not the worst. When someone gives you a hard time, respond with the supple moves of prayer, for then you are working out of your true selves, your God-created selves. This is what God does. He gives his best—the sun to warm and the rain to nourish—to everyone, regardless: the good and bad, the nice and nasty. If all you do is love the lovable, do you expect a bonus? Anybody can do that. If you simply say hello to those who greet you, do you expect a medal? Any run-of-the-mill sinner does that." Here's a link to the rest of Matthews' 5th chapter:
It seems to me that, despite your verbal assurances of loving everyone, that you are punctiliously "on the look out" for infidels and sinners - passionate to punish them and eager for them to get thrown into The Unquenchable Lake of Fire.
It is very clear that you love your friends, but it seems to me that you harbor antipathy - if not animosity - for those you don't find loveable by your very picky criteria; in other words for anyone who is not a member of your tribe, anyone who does not live in the same narrow (and narrowing) silo, anyone who is not like you
"If all you do is love the lovable, do you expect a bonus? Anybody can do that. If you simply say hello to those who greet you, do you expect a medal? Any run-of-the-mill sinner does that."
As for "loving your enemies," I see no evidence of that.
I think you would like to see your enemies all dead and in hell.
In my view, your enemies "bring out the worst in you."


If the image immediately about does not show, you may access it at:
In addition to your relentless bible-banging, you consider yourself an ultra-patriot.
Jesus was not a patriot, and as we see in the life of Peter, He was not keen on political zealotry.
I lived for 4 years in Canada, attending the University of Toronto.
And one of the things I learned just by living there is that Canada is a civilized country in contrast to The United States of Barbaria.
Although Canada and the United States were both British colonies, living under very similar British administration, I hold that the American Revolution - basically by men who didn't want to pay taxes -- resulted in the unnecessary bloodshed that polluted our "national well" at the get-go, whereas Canada did not rebel and, within 75 years evolved into a beautiful, remarkably non-violent society, when Great Britain simply set Canada free, while simultaneously making them a member of the British Commonwealth with all the many advantages accruing from Commonwealth status.
I don't expect you to agree with a word of that.
But my view is well thought out and as deserving of consideration as your jingoistic, chauvinistic view.
Similarly, you practice your version of Christianity in much the same way, refusing to have any regard for viewpoints that deviate from your doctrinal pontifications.
In the webpage referenced below, you will find many approaches to The Way (which is to say The Way of God's love) which you could -- but won't -- acknowledge.
As a result of your self-chosen straight-jacket, you are incapable of acknowledging that other views of Jesus-Love might just have some validity.
But what if your rock-solid faith turns out to be poorly founded, and some other view -- or views -- are nearer to the truth than your shrieking insistence that YOU know "The Real Jesus" - in effect that you are a "know-it-all."
Christianity: A Compendium Of "What Went Wrong" And Current Worship Of The Wrongness
"The Story Of Jonah And The Whale" Retold For The Righteous By Anne Herbert
A Faithful Christian Consults With Jesus... And A Pertinent Parable
You consider yourself a champion of Democracy, but there is not a cell in your body that believes in an "even playing field" where people can think freely -- and, assuming their behavior is not overtly felonious -- can live their lives as they see fit.
It seems to me that you insist that everyone be "just like you" because if you admit a diversity of views, your world view -- which strikes me as a precariously balanced "house of cards" -- comes tumbling down.
The Message (Bible) - Wikipedia
The Message (Bible) - Wikipedia
The Message (Bible) - Wikipedia
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Alan Archibald
"The Story Of Jonah And The Whale" Retold For The Righteous By Anne Herbert
"The Story Of Jonah And The Whale," Brilliantly Retold For The Self-Righteous By Anne Herbert
"The Story Of Jonah And The Whale," Brilliantly Retold For The Self-Righteous By Anne Herbert
"The Story Of Jonah And The Whale," Brilliantly Retold For The Self-Righteous By Anne Herbert
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Alan Archibald
A Faithful Christian Consults With Jesus... And A Pertinent Parable
A Faithful Christian Consults With Jesus... And A Pertinent Parable
A Faithful Christian Consults With Jesus... And A Pertinent Parable
A Faithful Christian Consults With Jesus... And A Pertinent Parable
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