Sunday, February 12, 2023

Salman Rushdie's Superb Interview On "The New Yorker Radio Hour"


Dear Sunil,

I hope you are well.

Are you still in Nepal?

In the following interview, Salman speaks of his children's book, and I wonder if you've ever tried your hand at writing stories that would appeal to children of all ages - which was Salman's goal when he told his son he would write a book for him. 

Salman was exceedingly pleased with the outcome. 

Stephen King said of "Haroun and the Sea of Stories": “This is, simply put, a book for anyone who loves a good story. It’s also a work of literary genius.”

I am currently writing a story based on my betrothed's deceased husband Dennis' experience designing ornaments for a prize-winning Christmas tree.


I think this New Yorker interview is superb, and I plan to listen to it again.

If you're ever anywhere near Hillsborough, please get in touch.

I would love to spin yarns with you, my good friend.

Pax tecum


PS I was at Chautauqua Institution last August, two weeks after Rushdie was attacked on stage there. I tried repeatedly to get an update on his health, but until hearing his buoyant presentation on NPR today, I could find no information - just repeated reference to the possibility of losing an eye and his ability to speak. 

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