Tuesday, October 26, 2021

NPR's "The World" Interviews Israeli Soldier Whose Platoon Shot Palestinian Kids For "Amusement" - And Then Confessed His Personal Wrongdoing... Only To Have Military Brass Deny His Confession

Dean Issacharoff was a staunch Zionist, and he could hardly wait to join the Israeli army at age 18. But the beatings of Palestinians made him question his allegiances. When he spoke out against the attacks, the military turned against him. In part one of a two-part series, Shaina Shealy of the Spiritual Edge podcast reports on how Issacharoff struggled to overcome his own prejudices and lift the veil on the abuse.

In the following audio file, Dean Issacharoff is interviewed by NPR's "The World" (Produced By "PRI International")  


This is Why I Broke the Silence - Dean Issacharoff

In the past two weeks B'Tselem בצלם uncovered how the IDF erased video footage of settlers killing already wounded Abedel Fattach, and the district court upheld the deportation of Omar Shakir the regional director of Human Rights Watch.
Read our spokesperson Dean Issacharoff's recent op-ed in in Haaretz.com about how Israel's obsession with hiding the occupation, so we can appear like a normal democracy, has shown just how far off we really are: http://bit.ly/2ILXf47
May be an image of 1 person


"I Joined The Army Out Of Love For Israel, But I Was Just Playing The Part Of A British Soldier" 
"At first, I hated shooting school children with rubber-coated bullets … but after a few months in Hebron, we would high-five each other every time we hit one", writes Dean Issacharoff.

Breaking The Silence Releases Video 'Corroborating' Claims That Their Spokesman Beat Palestinian (Dean Issacharoff had testified that he assaulted a Palestinian man after he was arrested for throwing stones at soldiers in February, 2014. Israeli police deny the incident ever occurred)


Alan: Here is how such sh*t gets normalized by normalized by trolls like Erhlichman, Gordon Liddy, Steve Bannon, Rudy Giuliani et al, the miscreants who fabricate The Official Story. 

And your "average Joe" believes The Official Story because he is NOT a troll.

Your average Joe has no choice but to accept The Official Story because he doesn't understand 1.) how it's possible that such people even exist, 2.) that they routinely rise to positions of political power, and 3.) how they are able to replace fundamental truths with GARGANTUAN lies.

Nixon Aide John Erhlichman Admits Blacks And Hippies Were Convicted Of Trivial Drug Crimes For Political Gain 

Hitler Promised, In Exactly These Words, To "Make Germany Great Again": A Chronology Of Der Führer's Lies

Alan: Here is where American conservatives ran off the rails.

"There are two ways of lying, as there are two ways of deceiving customers. If the scale registers 15 ounces, you can say: 'It's a pound.' Your lie will remain relative to an invariable measure of the true. If customers check it, they can see that they are being robbed, and you know by how much you are robbing them: a truth remains as a judge between you. But if the demon induces you to tamper with the scale itself, it is the criterion of the true which is denatured, there is no longer any possible control. And little by little you will forget that you are cheating." 
Denis de Rougemont

Earlier Today, I Heard A Trump Supporter Say: "You Don't Know What To Believe." Once Trump Gets You To Throw Up Your Hands, You Won't Be Able To Determine What's True. Instead, You'll Be More Willing To Accept Lies As Truth. This Is Why Trump Lies So Much And Says "Who Knows? We'll See" So Often. Hannah Arendt Has The Details

How Trump Trashes The Underpinnings Of Truth-And-Faith-In-Shared-Values So That The Resulting Chaos Creates Cultists Conditioned To Believe Falsehood Over Truth: 20th Century Intellectual Titan, Hannah Arendt, Analyzes This Corrosive Mechanism

"The New (Ab)Normal: Flood Every Media Platform With A Fire Hose Of Falsehood... And The Need For A New Journalistic Method"

Journalists Should Be In "Emergency" Mode: Journalistic Method Needs To Be Redefined To Deal With Trump's Re-Definition Of Bullshit As Normalcy 

Pat Buchanan, The Republican Presidential Candidate And Living American Who Has Served Longest As Senior White House Official, Says Republicans Are In It For "Power Only" And "To Hell With Principles"

"Daniel Webster Prompts A Review Of Conspiracism And Its Destructive Role In American Politics"

"Whom The Gods Would Destroy, They First Make Mad"

"Truth Infuriates People Whose Lives Are Lie"

"Trump Lies Shamelessly, Compulsively, Continuously... And His Followers Suck The Sludge"

"Unless Truth Is Richly Contextualized, It Is Likely That Uneducated, Ideologically-Driven People (Who Never Learned How To Think In Context), Will Use Fragmented Shards Of Truths To Tell Colossal Lies"

"How Conservatives Use Decontextualized Shards Of Truth To Tell BIG Lies" 
Pax on both houses: Thomas Merton: "Our Job Is To Love People ...
Alan: This quotation reveals the ultimate moral failure of "Christian" "conservatives" who dedicate themselves to separating "the worthy" from "the unworthy." 
At bedrock, "Christian" "conservatives" (who are neither) are commited to the exclusion of all n'er-do-wells, especially "the undeserving poor."

How Piety And Devotion-To-God Distract People From The Necessary Work Of Kindness

"The terrible thing about our time is precisely the ease with which theories can be put into practice.  The more perfect, the more idealistic the theories, the more dreadful is their realization.  We are at last beginning to rediscover what perhaps men knew better in very ancient times, in primitive times before utopias were thought of: that liberty is bound up with imperfection, and that limitations, imperfections, errors are not only unavoidable but also salutary. The best is not the ideal.  Where what is theoretically best is imposed on everyone as the norm, then there is no longer any room even to be good.  The best, imposed as a norm, becomes evil.”  
"Conjectures of a Guilty Bystander,” by Trappist monk, Father Thomas Merton 

Pat Buchanan, The Republican Presidential Candidate And Living American Who Has Served Longest As Senior White House Official, Says Republicans Are In It For "Power Only" And "To Hell With Principles"

"Trump Is A Traitor By Virtue Of Normalizing Falsehood And Teaching Americans To Do The Same"

"Trump Lies Shamelessly, Compulsively, Continuously... And His Followers Suck The Sludge"

"Truth Infuriates People Whose Lives Are Lie"

"Unless Truth Is Richly Contextualized, It Is Likely That Uneducated, Ideologically-Driven People (Who Never Learned How To Think In Context), Will Use Fragmented Shards Of Truths To Tell Colossal Lies"

"How Conservatives Use Decontextualized Shards Of Truth To Tell BIG Lies" 

"Donald Trump's Identity Revealed"

"Compendium: Trump And His Minions Lie-And-Mislead More Easily Than They Metabolize, With A Special Guest Appearance By Master Bull-Shitter, Kayleigh McEnany"

"Pardon Him, Theodotus; He Is A Barbarian And Thinks That The Customs Of His Tribe And Island Are The Laws Of Nature." George Bernard Shaw On The Nature Of Personal Stupidity And Social Stupefaction

Compendium Of Trump Videos That Reveal His Arrogance, Inhumanity, Stupidity And Cruelty

"Family Separation And The Satanic Cruelty Of Most Republicans"

Why "Absolutists" Prefer To See "Relativists" Dead... Whereas "Relativists" Prefer That "Absolutists" Just Mind Their Own Business

The Insuperable Stupidity-Perversity-Ignorance Of Diehard Trump Supporters

It Has Come To This. How Do We Tell The Truth To 40% Of Americans?

A God's Eye View Of Donald Trump


The guy is a shit-head.

20th Century Intellectual Titan, Hannah Arendt 
(who coined the phrase, "The Banality Of Evil".

Alan: From lack of intelligence, lack of learning, lack of insight, or plain ol' malice-malevolence, Trump and his cultists do not understand that the erosion of trust in constitutionally-mandated political institutions contributes mightily to the degradation -- if not the collapse -- of Democracy itself. 

20th century intellectual titan, Hannah Arendt -- who attended the Nuremberg Trials and coined the phrase "the banality of evil" -- has a vise-tight grip on this corrosive political process.

Here's how it unfolds...

Earlier Today, I Heard A Trump Supporter Say: "You Don't Know What To Believe." Once Trump Gets You To Throw Up Your Hands, You Won't Be Able To Determine What's True. Instead, You'll Be More Willing To Accept Lies As Truth. This Is Why Trump Lies So Much And Says "Who Knows? We'll See" So Often. Hannah Arendt Has The Details

How Trump Trashes The Underpinnings Of Truth-And-Faith-In-Shared-Values So That The Resulting Chaos Creates Cultists Conditioned To Believe Falsehood Over Truth: 20th Century Intellectual Titan, Hannah Arendt, Analyzes This Corrosive Mechanism

Bill Maher Describes Addlepated Trumpism As It Is. Hannah Arendt Explains "How" Trumpism Came Into Being

Alan: During my 1950s' childhood, any weirdo-relative living in an in-law apartment would have become a candidate for "insane asylum committal" as soon as s/he started spewing the kind of lunatic ideation that consumes Trump Cult, a coven of crazies who subscribe to QAnon, a new secular religion with its own messiah (i.e., Donald Trump) and its own resurrection (i.e., John Kennedy Jr. is not dead). 

And that's just the beginning.

Tom Hanks, Oprah Winfrey and Hillary Clinton are members of a vast Hollywood (and Democratic Party) cabal that operates a massive sex slave trade which also kills children, cannibalizing them in Satanic blood rituals.

If you've got the stomach, you can learn more about this epochal normalization-of-insanity at:  

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