Monday, April 10, 2023

"A Mentally Ill Person Without A Gun Is Better Than A Mentally Ill Person With A Gun. It's The Gun Stupid!" (Thanks To Friend Frances For Supplying The Quip)


"This Is America"
More Gun Violence -- BY FAR -- Than Any Other "Developed" Country 

Fr. Thomas Merton Explains -- In 16 Words -- Why "Christian" "Conservatives" Are Always Wrong

Reprise: "So Banning Guns Won't Prevent Gun Violence But Banning Abortion Prevents Abortion"

Neil DeGrasse Tyson's Masterclass: Teaches You How To Think - Learning How To Get Past "Thinking You're Right" To "Knowing When You're Wrong"

Ted Nugent Reveals The Essential Piggishness Of The Good Christians' "Party Of Family Values"

My Best Attempt To "Get Through" To A White Nationalist "Christian" Zealot, QAnon Addict, And Die-hard Trump Cultist

Another Attempt To De-Program A Fundamentalist Friend Who Is Manifestly Delusional As Demonstrated By Her Unshakeable Conviction That She Knows The "Real Jesus" And The "Will Of God." KK Is Also A Trump Cultist And Believes QAnon Is A Sort Of Fifth Gospel

Ongoing Conversation With Christian Fundamentalist Friend, KK, Who Is Absolutely Certain That Donald Trump, QAnon And She Herself Are Inerrant Mouthpieces Of Truth

Correspondence With Christian Fundamentalist Friend, Who -- Even Now After Trump's First Indictment -- Thinks Malignant Messiah Is Incapable Of Doing Anything Wrong

Correspondence With Christian Fundamentalist Friend, Who -- Even Now After Trump's First Indictment -- Thinks Malignant Messiah Is Incapable Of Doing Anything Wrong

"The Love Of Money Is The Root Of All Evil" - An Open Invitation To Christian Conservatives

The Normalization Of Cruelty During Donald Trump's Administration: A Compendium

"Aggressive Ignorance And Christianity's Failure To Champion Truth"

Ongoing Conversation With Christian Fundamentalist Friend, KK, Who Is Absolutely Certain That Donald Trump, QAnon And She Herself Are Inerrant Mouthpieces Of Truth

H.G. Wells: "Human History Becomes More And More A Race Between Education And Catastrophe -- The Survival Of Humanity Requires That We Meet Our Essential Need For Enlightened Education

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