Saturday, April 1, 2023

Correspondence With Christian Fundamentalist Friend, Who -- Even Now After Trump's First Indictment -- Thinks Malignant Messiah Is Incapable Of Doing Anything Wrong


Trump spent the first fifty years of his adulthood learning how to be a successful criminal.
But now he's up against smarter people than he is - smarter people than his mobster friends are - smarter people than his dimwitted lawyers are.
Malignant Messiah is already in a world of hurt, but even though his indictment by the NY Grand Jury (Southern District) is the weakest of the half dozen cases against His Deplorability, there is a good chance he will be convicted of felony charges in this relatively low-stakes case.
Once the other cases stack up against him, this Capone-like thug is looking at an orange jump suit.
You can no longer use preposterous QAnon defenses, Karen.
Nor Conspiracy Theories.
No "Deep State" nonsense.
And if you think you can revert to those totally bogus defenses, take a look at the "bibliography" I'm posting in the "Comments" below.
Alan Archibald
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Donald Trump, Felon: Starting With His Trump University Scam And Itemizing On Through His First Wife Ivana's Accusation Of Violent, Hair-Tearing Rape
Donald Trump, Felon: Starting With His Trump University Scam And Itemizing On Through His First Wife Ivana's Accusation Of Violent, Hair-Tearing Rape
Donald Trump, Felon: Starting With His Trump University Scam And Itemizing On Through His First Wife Ivana's Accusation Of Violent, Hair-Tearing Rape
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Alan Archibald
Trump's Handpicked Kansas Politician, Kris Kobach, Is Emblematic Of The Bullsh*t Nonsense That Has Become The Bogus Essence Of The Republican Party
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Alan Archibald
Trump's Sister, A Retired Federal Judge, Says Malignant Messiah Is "An Untrustworthy, Cruel Phony" Who "Lies", "Cheats"
Trump's Sister, A Retired Federal Judge, Says Malignant Messiah Is "An Untrustworthy, Cruel Phony" Who "Lies", "Cheats"
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Trump's Sister, A Retired Federal Judge, Says Malignant Messiah Is "An Untrustworthy, Cruel Phony" Who "Lies", "Cheats"
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Alan Archibald
Trump's Mobster Model Of Government In Which Brazen Lies Are Routinely Represented As Truth
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Alan Archibald
I Grew Up With Italian Americans: A Small-Time, Punk Mobster... And A Big-Time Pathological Liar
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Alan Archibald
"The Love Of Money Is The Root Of All Evil" - An Open Invitation To Christian Conservatives
"The Love Of Money Is The Root Of All Evil" - An Open Invitation To Christian Conservatives
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Alan Archibald
The Normalization Of Cruelty During Donald Trump's Administration: A Compendium
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The Normalization Of Cruelty During Donald Trump's Administration: A Compendium
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