Tuesday, February 21, 2023

Marjorie Taylor Greene Calls For A "National Divorce," Dividing Red States And Blue States Into Separate, Sovereign Polities, And The Women On "The View" "Get Their Panties In A Twist"


On Tue, Feb 21, 2023 at 4:08 PM FV wrote:

Dear A, The women on The View had a lively discussion about Marjorie Taylor Greene's promotion of a National Divorce to separate the United States into two separate, sovereign polities.
It was brought up that red states are carried by blue states .
Do we have a war over commodities? Red states have the guns and want to use them. Can't see how it would play out.

Each state would have a referendum to determine which state joins which polity.

The red states turned their back on Washington D.C. once before, and -by God - they can do it again.

If D.C. is surrounded by states that choose to join Polity Blue, it seems ridiculous that there should be a red island surrounded by blue states.

That said, I think the assignation of D.C.is more of a nuisance than a deal breaker, and -- if push comes to shove -- how about a coin toss?

If D.C. were to end up with Polity Red, there would be a mini Civil War because for decades D.C. has voted 90% Democratic. (Republican voters average about 7% of the D.C. vote.)

Do red states form a separate government, take their Representatives with them, vote their Pres. ,Supreme Court, Justice etc.?

Yes, red states and blue states would establish their own governments, although I am open to  an overarching Federation like the European Union.

Do blues keep the existing government including D.C.

Blues can keep the existing government if D.C. if they choose, although it is possible - at least in theory - for D.C. to be operated as a UNESCO "protected area" belonging to neither Blues nor Reds. 
Marjorie's Georgia is at least purple. Which way do they go. Also said she has become very unpopular in Georgia. Is that true?

I think Georgia, Virginai, Nevada, Arizona, New Mexico and Colorado will vote to join Polity Blue.

In any event, for a period of 10-20 years, citizen-residents of any state can freely relocate in any of the original 50 states.

The advantage of this is that people are overwhelmingly likely to desert Polity Red states once they see how stittily they're managed by Christian conservative idiots. 

Similarly there would be a provision whereby red states or blue states could leave the polity they choose at the outset of the National Divorce, which I think will result in Red States begging for re-admittance to Polity Blue - or, as I've already written, "Once red states realize how God awful it is living amongst Trump Cult conservatives, they will flock back to Polity Blue, begging for re-admittance with their tales between their legs.

And although I think red states should be re-admitted to the "original union" this time they will have to sign off on a truly onerous commitment to stay put for another 250 years during which time all residual confederate sentiment will have died out, just as it's dying out even now. (Remember, Georgia, Virginai, Nevada, Arizona, New Mexico and Colorado are all turning blue, while there is not one blue state -- NOT ONE -- that is turning red. Think about that... Oodles turning blue; not one turning red. And that's because Trump Cult (now morphing into DeSantis Cult) is a last gasp effort to survive, not a realistic attempt to establish a new political space. 

Over the course of the 20th Century, "Liberalism" won the debate with "Conservatism", and when "conservatives" realized this, they stopped playing by "the established rules of the game," simultaneously alleging that ANY THING that was an Inconvenient Truth -- or anything they didn't want to belief because it revealed that Liberals had won the BIG POLITICAL DEBATE -- was attributable to The Deep State, or Fake News, or some conospiratorial QAnonish bullshit.

For the most part they saw it as another crazy rant mouthing someone with a bigger agenda like Bannon.

Remember. The women on the view are politically untrained talking heads who have never even thought about dividing the United States into two polities.

And, of course they're all wealthy enough that they can live in gated communities, upscale skyscrapers with doormen and round the clock security staff, so they're not going to get their throats ripped out by paranoid right wingers with automatic weapons who wear camouflage pajamas to bed. 
No one said it's a good idea.

The ladies on the view are wealthy liberals, and so I would not expect them to think a "national divorce" is a good idea.

I'm convinced it is a good idea.

Doubly so when I see every likelihood that the United States of America will re-establish itself in 50 years or less, as soon as these inept, judgmental, vengeful people have had enough time to stew in their own toxic juice (simultaneously being unable to beat up on liberals and progressives) so that remarkably soon they ALL migrate back the good 'ol USA that always held out the hand that fed them.

A coherent ,plausible plan has to be put forward A.

So F, there's a plausible plan.

If you don't think it's plausible, at what points does it fail to meet muster?

Here are more viable components of the "plan."

Compendium Of Best "Pax-Barbaria" Posts About Red State - Blue State Secession

Red States

Marjorie Taylor Greene Calls For "A National Divorce" Between Red And Blue States... And I Couldn't Agree More

Blue States Secede: "F*ck The South!" 

Republicans Are Talking About Red State Secession, And I Strongly Recommend Close Examination Of The Proposal: Here's Why...

Racism, The Division Of The United States Into Two Separate Polities, And The Sudden Collapse Of The Soviet Union

Red States Blue States

Updating My Proposal Concerning Possible Division Of The "United" States Into Two Separate Nations

Red States Blue States

It Is High-Time To Begin Discussion Of Dividing The United States Into Two Independent Polities

Red States Blue States

Maybe then some might consider it.

Biden's speech from Poland pre empted the appearance of Bernie Sanders who was the next scheduled guest.
It would have been interesting to hear his take.
Perhaps it's on you tube.

On Tue, Feb 21, 2023, 2:17 PM Alan Archibald <alanarchibaldo@gmail.com> wrote:


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