At the bottom of this email, you will find an up-to-date article (published by a good source) about Red/Blue electoral prospects this November. It's titled "Red Wave Rising".
Again, I urge us all to start talking with family and friends about the possible separation of The "United" States into two sovereign polities - perhaps with an overarching structure like the European Union.
Compendium Of Best "Pax-Barbaria" Posts About Red State - Blue State Secession
The Civil War: White Christians Slaughtering One Another On A Scale Jihadists Can Only Dream Of... And Now It's Back, "Civil War, 2.0"
Blue States Secede: "F*ck The South!"
Republicans Are Talking About Red State Secession, And I Strongly Recommend Close Examination Of The Proposal: Here's Why...
Racism, The Division Of The United States Into Two Separate Polities, And The Sudden Collapse Of The Soviet Union
Updating My Proposal Concerning Possible Division Of The "United" States Into Two Separate Nations
It Is High-Time To Begin Discussion Of Dividing The United States Into Two Independent Polities
How Carl Sagan Predicted Today’s USA 26 Years Ago: "The Demon-Haunted World: Science as a Candle in the Dark"
"In The Coming Second American Civil War, Which Side Are You On?"
Red State Moocher Links
New Rule: "The Slow-Moving Coup" | Bill Maher Provides Trump's Playbook For Replacing American Democracy With Plutocratic Autocracy
Lately, I've been trying to understand the essence of America's sudden dive into political chaos - not unlike the sudden collapse of the Soviet Union c. 1990.
Imagine! Without a shot being fired, the largest country in the world ceased to exist. Overnight. story/why-did-the-soviet- union-collapse
I think I'm getting a handle on our own homemade collapse.
Essentially, liberalism won the 20th century "debate" between the political philosophies of liberalism and conservatism.
But as soon as liberalism's victory was apparent, conservatives -- already prone to embrace dubiously "historical" or even irrational Christian fantasies while ignoring or disdaining political-instituional continuity and stability, fixated on trashing established epistemology by alleging the ubiquity of "fake news", false flags, "Deep State" manipulation, and the padded-cell-insanity of QAnonsense.
The Death Of Epistemology: Update
QAnon Is Nucking Futs: A Clearing House For Crazy People (Which Continually Tells Them THEY Are The Sane Ones)
Compendium Of Best Posts Concerning American Theocracy
"Frank Zappa Prophesied A Fascist Theocracy. Barry Goldwater Agrees"
"Aggressive Ignorance And Christianity's Failure To Champion Truth"
In effect, American conservatives - never the brightest lights in the closet - refuse to accept liberalism's manifest defeat of conservatism, deciding instead to redefine the rules of the game by declaring the old rules categorically inadequate to probe "God's Truth."
Needless to say, EVERYONE has to step aside for God's Truth.
Lamentably, it never occurred to this generation of degenerate "Christian" "conservatives" (who are neither), to apply any epistemological standards and so tens of millions through over all of western history, western institutional life to declare themselves their own authorities with no need for "priestly" or "scholarly" mediation of Truth.
"God said it. I believe it. That settles it"
And since "Christian" 'conservatives" are unusually eager for Armageddon which will insure that God Almighty finally settles every "cosmic score", there's no need to heed such details as the survival of the species, or not slipping into a new Dark Age for half a millennium or two.
Compendium Of Best Posts Concerning American Theocracy
Suddenly detached from any political affiliation that was not essentially theocratic, liberalism was re-branded an evil, if not Satanic, enterprise. (If you are really interesting in grasping the "religious" roots of Uncle Sam's political collapse and social polarization, there is no better resource than The Thinking Housewife. Although you will be disinclined to take her seriously - perhaps assuming that her thought process and political views are tongue in cheek, you are well advised to take her at face value, rather like the glacial pace at which liberals and progressives came to take Trump seriously.
"The Thinking Housewife", A Traditionalist Catholic: "We Can Be Pretty Sure That Many Good People Are Roasting In Hell" - "Liberalism Is Satanic Rebellion Against God?"
5. ![]() |
Illustration: Brendan Lynch/Axios |
Here's a stark stat about November's midterms from Dave "I've Seen Enough" Wasserman, House editor of the Cook Political Report:
Wasserman tells me that of the 25 ratings he has revised since January:
Why it matters: Democrats' uphill fight to keep control of the House (GOP only needs to net five seats) is getting more uphill. |
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