By not focusing exclusively on Warren Buffett's blowing the lid off America's ongoing tax ruse, a revelation expressed with such crystalline clarity that it can now be proven -- even to the satisfaction of dimwitted people -- that we play along with the distraction/diversionism of the oligarchy-plutocracy-kakistocracy, and -- thus distracted -- we strengthen oligarchy-plutocracy-and-kakistocracy.
Trust me, friends, those moral monsters do not the help of liberals, progressives and radicals.
We now have the key - the factual key - to dismantle the top-down dominance-submission hierarchy (currently emobided by Trump-Musk-Bezos-and-Zuckerberg that has bamboozled "common folk" ever since our ape ancestors came down from the trees.
I am completely baffled why we do not focus on Warren Buffett - and only Warren Buffett...
unless... and it pains me to make this suggestion... unless we ourselves are afraid of success, and on some deep level, want to leave the status quo in place.
Are we afraid of success?
Do we sense (or suspect) that we would not know what to do if -- suddenly -- good people were in charge instead of coprophages and asslicks?
Have you mentioned Buffett's "game changer" to even one person.
Send this video clip-cum-link to everyone in your email directory.
I dare you!
Please explain to me why you didn''t, and apparently won't.
By Concentrating Our Electoral Efforts On Warren Buffett's Revelation At Berkshire-Hathaway's Shareholders Meeting Earlier This Year (2024), We Now Know That Income Tax Deception Burbling From The Right-Wing Noise Machine Is Entirely Fictitious Propaganda Whose Purpose Is To Keep "Everyday Americans" In The Dark, Squabbling Among Themselves, And Never, Never Giving A Thought To The Origin Of The Ruse
I am happy to see that the mainstream media is reprising Warren Buffett's stunning revelation from Berkshire-Hathaway's 2024 Shareholder's Meeting,
Buffett's revelation would be a game-changer for America, if only Americans were not too dimwitted -- and too poorly educated -- to conduct actual research, not to mention being too cowardly to muster the courage to act on good information.
Instead, we chow down on Trump's incessant sludge as if we were eating at a 3-star Michelin restaurant.
How embarrassing!
We are no longer "the land of the free and the home of the brave."
What a crock!
We are "the land of the self-shackled, and the home of the chicken-shit-craven."
Alan ArchibaldBy Concentrating Our Electoral Efforts On Warren Buffett's Revelation At Berkshire-Hathaway's Shareholders Meeting Earlier This Year, We Now Know That Income Tax Deception Burbling From The Right-Wing Noise Machine Is Entirely Fictitious Propaganda Whose Purpose Is To Keep "Everyday Americans" In The Dark, Squabbling Among Themselves, And Never Never Giving A Thought To The Origin Of The Ruse
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