Wednesday, July 17, 2024

JD Vance: Holes In His "Good Guy" Armor


Meet Usha Vance -- JD Vance's Indian-Origin Wife -- And Her Role In Ron Howard's Movie, "Hillbilly Elegy," Based On Vance's Eponymous 2016 Memoir

Liberal Redneck Trae Crowder, "The Liberal Redneck" - "Less Integrity Than A Boeing 737"

Alan Archibald 

(The following correspondence took place with a critic on my meme-creation-site who approved JD Vance's comment that Joe Biden was responsible for the recent assassination attempt on Donald Trump. In the immediaet wake of the assassination attempt, Vance argued that Biden had created a toxic political environment by promoting the view that Trump needed to be "stopped at any cost." Notably, Biden never used the phrase "at any cost" nor "at all costs.")

Please tell me what's toxic about Biden's rhetoric.
If you're under the misconception that Biden said "we must stop Trump at any cost," that is not what Joe has said.
Rather, it's what JD Vance said by way of maligning Biden, and misleading the American people.
Right out of the gate, Trump’s VP is following The Liar's lead by telling a “technical” truth in order to communicate "a substantive lie."
"Unless Truth Is Richly Contextualized, It Is Likely That Uneducated, Ideologically-Driven People (Who Never Learned How To Think In Context), Will Use Fragmented Shards Of Truths To Tell Colossal Lies"
"How Conservatives Use Decontextualized Shards Of Truth To Tell BIG Lies"
Republican Representative Adam Kinzinger says JD Vance's mendacious allegation that Biden is responsible for the "toxic politics" that resulted in the recent assassination attempt "should disqualify him from VP consideration:
Joe Biden DID NOT tell anyone to stop Trump "at any cost."
Rather, he urged the citizenry to stop Trump through fact-gathering, diligent research, honest argument, and, finally, ballot-casting on election day.
This is exactly how democracy is designed to work.
This is how democracy is supposed to work.
For Vance, to suggest that Biden was laying the groundwork for a political assassination is beyond absurd.
It is closer to diabolical.
And so Vance -- once a sane "Never Trumper" who repeatedly served up scathing criticism of Mafia Don, is already following Malignant Messiah‘s footsteps, playing loosey-goosey with anything remotely resembling truth.
It is immeasurably more sensible to suggest that Vance is projecting the violent intent of many Republican shoot-em-up gun nuts and stand-your-ground-fire-first-ask-questions-later seditionists like the perpetrators of January 6th... an event that Republicans have used to ratify, validate and normalize deadly political violence, thus opening floodgates that had previously kept political violence pretty much at bay, with no attacks on a president (nor presidential candidate) since Reagan was shot in 1981, nearly fifty years ago.

"Trump's Long History Of Inciting Violence And The Deadly Outcome Of His Inflammatory Rhetoric"

Inflammatory rhetoric and ubiquitous self-victimization are ALL the Republican Party's got left - a party comprised of liars, miscreants and malevolent lickspittles who would eagerly sell their souls to Satan for pragmatic political advantage. For all I know, they may have done so already.
It's not like Republican malice is anything new:
Pat Buchanan, The Republican Presidential Candidate And Living American Who Has Served Longest As Senior White House Official, Says Republicans Are In It For "Power Only" And "To Hell With Principles"

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