Monday, June 24, 2024

The Most Enjoyable And Most Politically Useful Step You Can Take Today Re: The Lincoln Project's YouTube Channel: It's ALL Here, And Super Easy To Navigate


Chaos works like a charm.
By nature (and nurture) conservatives are disproportionately afraid of disorder,
and so, if you create enough chaos, 
about half the people will take refuge in the hands of strong men who promise to protect them,
even if it is these same strong men who create the chaos in the first place.


Earlier Today, I Heard A Trump Supporter Say: "You Don't Know What To Believe." Once Trump Gets You To Throw Up Your Hands, You Won't Be Able To Determine What's True. Instead, You'll Be More Willing To Accept Lies As Truth. This Is Why Trump Lies So Much And Says "Who Knows? We'll See" So Often. Hannah Arendt Has The Details


Trump Is The Most Gifted Criminal Genius In The History Of The World - A Houdini Who Can Make Personal Responsibility Disappear. "Malignant Messiah" Can Shoot Someone On 5th Avenue -- In Broad Daylight -- And Not Lose Any Voters. But "Getting Away With Murder" Is The Least Of It. "Lingering Orange Fart" Attempted A Coup D' Etat And Then Persuaded Half The People That He Deserves A Mulligan

Pat Buchanan, The Republican Presidential Candidate And Living American Who Has Served Longest As Senior White House Official, Says Republicans Are In It For "Power Only" And "To Hell With Principles"
Dear F

People -- including you and me -- are so hunkered down in our information silos that our best hope for "getting ideas out there" is to make them "go viral."

One never knows when something will "go viral," but posting fascinating - and preferably brief - material to Facebook is as good an approach as any.

The following minute-long videos produced by The Lincoln Project -- in which Republicans (and former Republicans) provide brilliantly scathing interpretations of Trump's morally bankrupt shamelessness and compulsive in-your-face lies -- are soooo good that you can invite friends over for snacks and a cocktail and just play them - one after another.


Often, beyond brilliant!

And they are waaaaayyyyyyy more entertaining (not to mention more satisfying) than picking a Netflix movie at random.

Never before have I urged my correspondents to "make something go viral," but I'm urging you to do so now.

It is high time for the following link (which provides a clickable directory of every Lincoln Project video clip) to "go viral." (N.B. These videos are listed in chronological order, from the most recent, going back to the very first Lincoln Project video made several years ago.)

If you follow up on my recommendation, it will be the most enjoyable, most memorable - and most politically useful - action you undertake today... and maybe this week, or month.

I am so impressed by the work of The Lincoln Project that I encourage the Biden campaign to hire these Republicans -- and former Republicans -- to promote Joe's presidential bid.


On Sun, Jun 23, 2024 at 10:15 FV: 

These are great. What concerns me is that they are not seen by that many people. The most views I noted was 500k.

Where are they shown to the mass public?

They should certainly be pumping the 10 Commandment one in Louisiana.

They should add an addendum that it was God not Moses who created the Commandments as their Gov. suggested.

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Alan Archibald <>
Date: Sun, Jun 23, 2024, 1:13 AM
Subject: The Lincoln Project's YouTube Channel: It's ALL here and super easy to navigate.
To: FV
The Lincoln Project's YouTube Channel: It's ALL here and super easy to navigate.

Malignant Messiah will "pull out all the stops" to keep his sorry ass out of prison.
He will cheat, mislead, make up massive turds of shit -- "whole cloth" -- and sell out the United States to the highest bidder.
It's all transactional for the solipsistic bastard
It's all business.

Closer to home, His Malignancy has already persuaded his followers that 
sedition and treason are "The New Patriotism."







Ben Franklin On "No New Taxes" (And Other Taxation Surprises)


Trump just blew off his wife by boning a porn star... and he did so while Melania was at home with newborn Baron.

















The bible is more violent than the Koran.
And "Christian" "conservative" "literalists" are nuts.





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