Friday, June 28, 2024

First Debate Between Biden And Trump: Analysis, Aftermath And Implications For The Composition Of A New Candidate To Replace Joe Who Has Suffered An Apparently Lethal Blow


Dear F and Jimbo,

If Joe was really "under the weather" (as he appeared to be) his team shoulda/coulda said he was unfit, and that "they" needed to postpone the debate.

Even though it would have been inconvenient to reschedule the debate, it would have been far better than throwing Democracy under a bus driven by Worst Person In Universe. (His Malignancy really does lie -- and compulsively -- with a skill that shames Satan's role as Lord of Lies, Prince of Darkness. See Jon Stewart's review of last night's debate, below.)

As soon as Joe opened his mouth, I knew from the tonal quality of his voice that something was seriously wrong.

Even before I could develop an opinion about what Joe was saying, I said to myself, "I cannot understand what Joe is saying because his voice is inaudible and too raspy-breathy."

I also thought it might have been my ears -- or the in-studio sound system -- but no.... Trump's voice was clear as a bell.

It is unconscionable -- if not "political malpractice" -- that Joe's team did not prep him to fend off Malignant Messiah's attacks on the Biden administration's "loss of respect in the world," when BIDEN could have EASILY made Trump look like the fool he is for even bringing up the matter. 
Jun 10, 2021 — The election of Joe Biden as president has led to a dramatic shift in America's international image. Throughout Donald Trump's presidency, ...


As for voice care...

I get paid to sing, and have -- for over a decade -- fretted over the "durability" of my voice... both in individual performances - and over "the long haul."

I assure you, there is little-to-nothing that can be done when one's voice "is under the weather."

I have looked into this matter, and there is no quick fix. Or even long fix - except in certain cases where vocal chord nodules are the issue - and months long rest, or surgery, might work.

Maybe -- just maybe -- a "vocalist" can get a slight boost from a Ricola throat lozenge.

But, after thorough research, I never found a "solution" that was not a "wive's tale" or "grasping at straws."

And although Trump was -- as always -- lying like a dog, Biden could have called him a liar for his OUTRAGEOUS claim that Joe would raise taxes by 300% to 400%.

Trump wrong to say Biden “wants to raise your taxes by four times”

False. Biden proposed a tax increase of about 7% over the next decade, which is far lower than the 300% increase that former Trump claimed.

Alan: Pardon my French... but What the F*ck!?!?!

About 83% of the proposed Biden tax increase would be borne by the top 1% of taxpayers, a level that starts at just under $1 million a year in income. 

Taxpayers earning up to $60,400 would see their yearly taxes decline on average, and taxpayers earning $60,400 to $107,300 would see an annual increase of $20 on average.

Anyone with a decent elementary school education knows that such a claim simply CANNOT BE TRUE.

Check out this view from America's conservative standard bearer, The National Review


So, what's to be done?


Here is Jon Stewart's monologue reviewing the Biden-Trump debate immediately after last night's event concluded.


Stephen Colbert

Colbert turns Capitol Hill hearing into performance art

Colbert was one of only 16 Americans who took advantage of Cesar Chavez' American Farmworkers Union's open invitation to pick vegetables for a day alongside migrant workers. Why weren't you there? Why wasn't I there? 


Here is an article published overnight by American Media, the online clearing house for The Society of Jesus (aka "The Jesuits")

Democrats: If You Respect Voters, Replace Joe Biden

Before you get "locked and loaded" behind some dimwitted "liberal notion" like "It would never work!!! How can you even think of nominating a television personality?" .... 

.... I would say that "The Apprentice" has taught us that America (whether it's a good thing or a bad thing) is ripe for television personality politicians.

We might at least learn from our political opposition: B-actor Ronald Reagan, and "Worst Person In Universe" who has been elected once and is now the overwhelmingly odds-on favorite to be elected again. (Ukraine's Zelensky started out as a beloved actor-comedian on Ukrainian television.)

Do the math, my friends.

Do the math.

Certain defeat.

Or, a possible upset by two really good people. (Until recently, Colbert - who has 8 children - was a Catholic Sunday school teacher which will "convert" a certain number of "conservative" "Christians" and have a certain cachet with the one quarter of Americans who are Catholic. I will mention that Colbert gave up his Sunday School role because he just couldn't return to his South Carolina parish often enough.)

The longer I live, the more I appreciate Will Rogers:


The Bonus Round!!!


At this point, it does not matter that much to me if the Dems win in November so long as we go down with our "truth guns" blazing.


Molly Riley/AFP

NEW YORK (The Borowitz Report)—Alarmed by what she observed in the first presidential debate, a New York woman said on Friday that she was in “a state of total panic” at the thought of four more years with Donald J. Trump. 

She urged all Americans to “work harder than ever” to “prevent such a ghastly outcome from becoming a reality.”

“We cannot—we must not—let this happen,” she said. “Now is not the time to say, ‘I don’t care, do u?’”

She also blasted the CNN moderators for failing to fact-check Trump during the debate, adding, “I know better than anyone how hard it is to keep up with his lies—but come on.”

The following reference just crossed my desk.

David Friedman: Joe Biden Is A Good Man, But He Needs To Step Down


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