Dear Karen,

I have read the Chronicles of Narnia, aloud, several times. 

I even recorded all seven books.

I have also read such obscure Lewis titles as "The Great Divorce," "Till We Have Faces," "Surprised by Joy," "The Silent Planet, "Perelandra," and "That Hideous Strength." (Are you not struck by how often you think you are entitled to make allegations about me... and they prove to be wrong? You are waaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy too presumptuous, certainly for your own good.)

Another case in point...

I never said that you put Trump on a par with Jesus.

I have said -- and it is emphatically true -- that no one can claim to be an advocate of God-Truth (i.e., "I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life") and simultaneously champion Trump's "Big Lie."

It is simply impossible to square those two propositions.


Earlier today, I made the following meme just for you:


It seems to me, Karen, that you became thoroughly convinced of a mistaken belief, and then -- made proud by your error -- credulously dove down Trump's rabbit hole.

As a consequence of this lie (to yourself), the integrity of your entire relationship with Truth fell apart.

You can "beat the bible" all you want, Karen.

It doesn't change the nature of faith.

Faith is not knowledge.

Faith is faith.

And everytime you claim to KNOW God's mind-and-intentions, you prove your faithlessness.

The God Of The Bible Commands All Men To Stone Rebellious Children To Death. (In The Quran There Is Nothing As Cruel As God's Deuteronomic Demand That Your Own Children Be Killed For The Triviality Of Adolescent Rebelliousness)

Compendium: Christian Conservatism, Biblical Literalism And The Unique Hatred Of Yahweh's Command That ALL Men In Any Town Where Rebellious Children Live, MUST Stone Them To Death

You, Karen, do not want to be faithful.

You want to be a KNOW-it-all.

But it doesn't work that way - except in the tiny, claustrophobic world where you have enclosed yourself, and then entitled yourself to pontificate, arrogantly, with more authority than the pontiff himself.

You think that by "surrendering" to The Bible, you are completely in tune with God, and that God is completely in tune with you.

It is more likely that your bloated belief in your own personal authority (because you are such a bible-believing servant whom God imbues with a nearly infallible outlook) makes you haughtily proud.

The proper role of faith is inescapably linked to the shadow of doubt.

Pax et amor

Alan ๐ŸŒˆ๐ŸŽŠ๐Ÿ’ฅ

On Wed, May 15, 2024 at 12:35 PM KK wrote: 

It may help you understand why CS Lewis wrote the Chronicles of Narnia if you take time to read it and to read other good books he wrote while living in this world that's full of sorrow and suffering. You seem to believe only those who embrace your own political and religious views from within a very limited paradigm. 
I was as a young believer in Jesus a member of a Catholic Community of celibate men and women who identified with St Francis. 
They weren't calling themselves "Roman" and actually had distanced themselves from the pope for the same reason every Saint in the Church had throughout ages of being persecuted for daring to disagree with bad theology. 
The fact that you think I am in any way exalting Trump as equal to the Lord Jesus Christ has to do with your own distorted point of view of who I am and who my closest friends in this world have been whether Catholic or Protestant or red or yellow black or white. 
How we see others in this present world has much more to do with who we are for real 
We are looking at a mirror image of ourselves. Do we see Jesus? Is there only darkness where there should be light in the eyes of the brothers and sisters looking back at us?
The community of saints Inwas part of as a new believer were the purest and holiest of people on Earth are for real. Like Corrie ten Boom. They live what they preach and don't back down or bow down to any man who demands submission to himself in this world as king or pope or the head of a political or religious organized effort to establish a kingdom apart from Jesus Christ Himself being the Only Living Head. He is in Heaven not on Earth because He proved Himself as God's only begotten son to be exactly who every true prophet of Israel spoke of throughout 4000 years of history from Adam to Abraham to Moses and all the prophets until the Messiah Himself came and fulfilled all the Law. 
He said He never came to destroy or to change even one jot or tittle or in other words the writing in scripture. 
It has to do with Time. All about perfect Time. 
Numbers and music. 
Only the wise will understand in perfect time. 
Not fools professing themselves to be wise. There are no fools or jesters or piedmont pipers otlr blind guides in the Kingdom that's not of this world. 
He is coming for His Own. Those who love Him will worship Him in Spirit and in Truth not only with their lips through ritual and rote. 
We need no man to teach us. The Holy Spirit alone will lead and guide us. A little child understands better than any who try to figure out what only can be seen and heard in the spirit and heart of all who know Jesus for real. We recognize each other as equal and free ro be conformed only into the Image of our Father in Heaven through faith in Him alone as our Living God.