Saturday, May 11, 2024

BRILLIANT John Stewart Monologue!!! His "Take" On Republican Politicians' Totally Unnecessary Freakout Over "Gas Stoves" Is Priceless - A Summation Of Everything Wrong With Right Wing Fearmongers


John Stewart's Monologue On Gas Stoves And Other More Important Matters:

You have GOT TO SEE the segment on "gas stoves" that starts at the 2:35 mark.

When you see it, ask yourself, Do any of these people "have a life?"

I mean...


These pathologically provocable folks exist to inflame -- and to be inflamed -- almost always "over nothing" (or damn near nothing).

For a long time, we have known that conservatives freak out more easily - are more readily frightened - than liberals and progressives.

Why are these fundamental political truths not taught in our schools?

Why are civics so rarely taught in our schools?

Frank Zappa observed that "Politics is the entertainment division of The Military Industrial Complex."

And it was President Dwight Eisenhower who coined the phrase "military-industrial complex" on the occasion of issuing an existential warning to the American people about the MCI's well-disguised profiteering agenda.

Furthermore, he issued that dire warning from The Oval Office in his nationally televised "Farewell Address."

Eisenhower Reveals THE DEEP STATE: Ike's Farewell Address Televised From The Oval Office Sounds The Alarm That The "Military-Industrial Complex" Comprises The Greatest Threat To American Democracy By Making Us A Murderous Corporatocracy

It is not that we don't know what to do to make America - and the world - a better place.

It's that we lack the political will to do it.

As always, when confounded by the overarching shadow of Cowboy Capitalism, look to the profiteers.

Follow the money!

H.G. Wells summarized our plight: "Human history becomes more and more a race between education and catastrophe."

Donald Trump "loves the uneducated" because he's one of them, and he is comforted by the company of other uneducated, spiteful people who have chosen to reject learning in favor of digging their fearful trenches ever deeper in the benighted domain of The Prince of Darkness.

Jon Stewart

Jon Stewart

Jon Stewart
Neo-Puritanism And The Quest For Perfection As Frequent Precursor Of Fascism 

Religion, Perfectionism, Savonarola and The Pending Apocalypse of The Republican Party (This Post Was Written In 2012)

The New Testament Parable Of "The Widow's Mite," Relativity, Perfection And Contextualization: "The Chances Of A Refugee-Terrorist Killing An American Are 3.6 Billion To 1"


Alan: The following observations arose from a Facebook "push post" concerning a meme I uploaded a year ago.

In light of Stewart's comment in the meme at the top of this post, it seems appropriate to reproduce it here.

The question still stands.
But here's a clue.
Is there so little life after birth because so many people are so desperate to "get to heaven" that they don't bother "getting a life" -- don't bother CREATING a life -- in the here and now.
Jesus will save them!
Jesus will heal every boo boo.
But "over there" -- on "the other shore."
Pie in the sky is soooooooo scrumptious!
And so distracting.
We are driven to distraction.

Alan Archibald
How Pietistic Devotion-To-God Distracts People From The Necessary Work Of Kindness
How Pietistic Devotion-To-God Distracts People From The Necessary Work Of Kindness
How Pietistic Devotion-To-God Distracts People From The Necessary Work Of Kindness
How Pietistic Devotion-To-God Distracts People From The Necessary Work Of Kindness
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