Friday, August 4, 2023

J. Edgar Bruns' Christian Buddhism

Alan: Rev. J. Edgar Bruns, Catholic priest, scholar-researcher and University of Toronto professor, was the most impressive teacher I ever had, a true philologist.

Michael Lockwood's work (below" is perhaps too enthusiastic, but provides necessary stimulus to what I take to be Brun's genuine discovery of Buddhism's importance in the Mediterranean intellectual world at the time of Yeshua, the Nazarene.

Part II: J. Edgar Bruns' Christian Buddhism!

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“Part II: J. Edgar Bruns’ Christian Buddhism!” is the third, and concluding, section of “Buddhist Influence in the Gospels: Two Catholic Views – Part I: Charles Francis Aiken” and the “Interlude: How Crypto Buddhism Won the West!” ¶In contrast to Catholic priest Rev. Dr. Aiken, whose published doctoral dissertation was an all out effort to deny that there was any Buddhist influence whatsoever on Christianity, Catholic priest Rev. Dr. J. Edgar Bruns, simply demonstrated that there was, indeed, massive Buddhist influence on Christianity. Of course, even Bruns did not comprehend the real genetic links between Buddhism and Christianity.

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