Friday, September 30, 2022

Hurricane Ian Death Toll And My Reply To Christian Fundamentalist Friend Karen's Desire (Like Every Trump Cultist's Desire) To Call EVERYTHING Into Doubt


This morning first thing we heard from livestream news was "hundreds dead in Lee County Fl in aftermath of Hurricane Ian." Later this afternoon David was working and listening to the radio when he heard "first fatality found." How sad that we can't trust those who report the news to bring us reality and truth instead of all the political propaganda they push on the public daily.

My Reply: In the early going, the situation in Florida has been so chaotic -- with such widespread breakdown of communication and transportation -- that it is impossible to make any firm determination of how many people died.

An hour ago, the Weather Channel reported that 21 people are confirmed dead... and "the number of fatalities is growing."

Trump followers and QAnon followers -- increasingly the same constituency -- delight in sowing doubt because once an individual believes "everything is up for grabs," doubting Thomases feel that their personal opinions -- whatever the hell they may be -- are as valid as anyone else's reportage, even the reports of people who dedicate their lives to honest, thorough investigation with the same love and passion that you devote to your "personal Lord and Savior." It is ill advised to be so cocky Karen. It is not inconceivable that such cockiness could be a path to perdition. And the fact that you summarily "write off" every profession to which truth-tellers have traditionally belonged is another flashing red light. Living in "the confirmation bias bubble" doesn't mean you're on the right side of God. In fact, living in the confirmation bias bubble strongly suggests that you have joined a cult and refuse to entertain any information that doesn't coincide with your own, highly-personalized "Gospel According to Karen."

Here's a Truth to gnosh.

if "the left" were to "call everything into doubt" the same way Big Lie Trump-cult right-wingers do, the result would be TOTAL CHAOS - from sea to shining sea.

But remember, it's a two way street.

One could, for example, cast "reasonable" doubt on the existence of Jesus as a historical person.

No matter how ridiculous you may consider the view that Jesus was a legend or a mythic construction, it is a fact -- plain as potatoes" -- that there is NO END to speculative chaos once people "go down that road" -- whatever their political or religious persuasion.


No matter what your believe, Karen, faith is faith, and faith is not certain knowledge. That is why they call Christiainty -- and all other world religions (not to mention the innumerable other manifestatioins of Christianity itself" -- "faiths."

By their nature, faith systems are what people believe, not what can be known with demonstrable "provability."

No matter how strongly you believe, faith can never cross over into incontrovertible knowledge. You can BELIEVE that it does, but as a matter of FACT, it doesn't.

"The New (Ab)Normal: Flood Every Media Platform With A Fire Hose Of Falsehood... And The Need For A New Journalistic Method"

"The Decisive Distinction Between People Who Can Think And Those Who Can't"

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