Tuesday, November 2, 2021

"So They Want Schools To Teach LGBT History? Fine. Start With Sodom And Gomorrah"


AlanI'm good with your proposal. 

Of course, we need to teach both biblical versions of Sodom and Gomorrah so that learners will know there are two sides to the story... just as there are two sides (and often more) to nearly every story. 

By learning from different sources, young people will fully inform their conscience and decide which account impresses them as most true. 

You may not realize it Karen, but you have already made your choice between the two widely divergent biblical accounts of Genesis and Ezekiel, and not surprisingly, you come down on the side of "fire and brimstone." 

You routinely align with judgment and punishment. assing judgment and making sure that the guilty are unished is where you are most "at home."

But things are rarely (if ever) as simple as "Armageddon Cheerleaders" believe.

The human condition is not black and white.

But, for unknown reasons (perhaps buried in your childhood formation) you NEED the world to be black and white.

The exceedingly sinful world that "God loved so much he sent his child into it" is NOT black and white, if only because "love covers a multitude of sins." 

Note that love does not eliminate sins. 

It covers them. 

We needn't scratch very deeply before we discover that courage often manifests as "the ability to live with ambiguity."


"The Sin Of Sodom: The One You Know About, And The Much More Important One Nobody Heeds"  

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