Thursday, October 14, 2021

The Way Forward For Biden's Legislative Agenda Requires "Shelving" The Infrasture Bill To Get A Quick, Decisive "Win" On The Voting Rights Bill /// Bill Maher, Steve Bannon, Dwight "Ike" Eisenhower, David Brooks, And Kick-Ass Maria Angell (A Huge Critic Of Big Pharma And The First Woman To Edit The New England Journal Of Medicine)


Put The Infrastructure Bill On "The Back Burner" In Order To Get An Unadulterated "Win" On The Voting Rights Bill First. (THEN, Return To The Infrastructure Bill)

It is high time to start calling The Autocrat Party a clusterf*ck of power-hungry seditionists, dead-set on terminating American Democracy as a sequel to snuffing The Party of Lincoln.

New Rule: "The Slow-Moving Coup" | Bill Maher Provides Trump's Playbook For Replacing American Democracy With Plutocratic Autocracy


Lord Of Darkness Steve Bannon Calls For "Shock Troops" To "Deconstruct" State When GOP Re-Takes Oval Office
(N.B. "Deconstruct" is a euphemism for "destroy")


Eisenhower Reveals THE DEEP STATE: Ike's Farewell Address Televised From The Oval Office Sounds The Alarm That The "Military-Industrial Complex" Comprises The Greatest Threat To American Democracy By Making Us A Murderous Corporatocracy

(We should have learned this most important lesson 60 years ago. We were even warned of our existential peril by one of America's most credible, authentic patriots.)


Facebook Thread About Big Pharma Malfeasance, And The First Ever Woman Editor Of "The New England Journal Of Medicine," Maria Angell's Spot-On Criticism Of The Pharmaceutical Industry


"This Is Why We Need to Spend $4 Trillion," David Brooks, Conservative Columnist For The New York Times. What Does Indifference Have To Do With Infrastructure?


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