Saturday, October 2, 2021

The Thinking Housewife Continues To Re-Make The World In Her Own White Nationalist Image


Dear Laura,

On this day of Alex Jones' comeuppance, I only needed to probe the first of "one hundred proofs the Israelites were white" to realize how far you've fallen into disreputable epistemology.

To whom would it even occur that it was important to demonstrate that the Israelites -- who "came out of Ur" with Abraham and his land-grabbing family -- were white? 

The very effort to demonstrate how Israeli whiteness "proves" that the Judeo-Christian tradition squares with the lineaments of white nationalism is embarrassing.

Even before I "did my homework, I was confident that "Saxon" did not derive from "Isaac's son."

The Etymology of Saxon

Like most diehard hide-bound ideologues, you reflexively believe whatever nonsense seems to confirm your rigid, brittle, unflinching orthodoxy.

TruthVid's bogus "proofs"of Israeli whiteness -- like your championship of the Newtown "hoax" -- have Aquinas rolling in his grave with such rotational force that -- if that power could be harnessed by a turbine -- the resulting production of usable energy would supply humankind in perpetuity.

If you believe that Jesus is "the way, the truth and the life," it is perhaps advisable that you contemplate how The Thinking Housewife's pontifical assertions-and-speculations are inconsistent with the very nature of the Nazarene.

There will be many surprises at The Pearly Gates, not least of which is that White Nationalism was The Last Thing Jesus had in mind.

More to the point...

"The Story Of Jonah And The Whale," Brilliantly Re-Told By Anne Herbert

Pax tecum


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