Friday, October 1, 2021

Available Data Suggests That Banning Abortion Will Increase The Abortion Rate

 A human zygote in the 8 cell stage.

Human zygote.
Human Person?
(Any room for democratic debate?)

Alan: The data oblige me to conclude that those societies with 1.) legal abortion, 2.) readily-available contraception, and 3.) "government-funded sex education in public schools" have lower abortion rates than countries without these features.

Simply seizing "the high moral ground" by outlawing abortion does not mean there will be fewer abortions.

Abortion will certainly not disappear, and it remains an open question whether an abrtion ban will be accompanied by an increase or a decrease in the abortion rate.

I understand how your black and white world wants an abortion ban because it seems to be "The Solution."

But there is a boatload of information indicating that banning abortion will not put an end to the practice.

In fact, banning abortion might well increase the rate of abortion. (The best available information tells us that the U.S. abortion rate on the eve of Roe v. Wade was higher than it is now.)

"How can that be?" you ask.

Compendium Of "Pax-Barbaria" Posts About Abortion, And The Indispensable Distinction Between "Pro-Life" And "Pro-Birth"

Image result for "pax on both houses" guns abortion

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