Friday, September 10, 2021

"Lies, Lies, Lies": "On The Media" Explores Donald Trump's Appeal And The Historical Background Of His Compulsive Lying

Alan: Friend Frances says: "Trump could preface a speech with the words: "Remember friends that what I'm about to tell you is a pack of lies" and his supporters would leave the venue totally pumped by the brilliance of his presentation.

Are Corporate Leaders Egotistical Psychopaths?

Here's where American conservatives ran off the rails.

"There are two ways of lying, as there are two ways of deceiving customers. If the scale registers 15 ounces, you can say: 'It's a pound.' Your lie will remain relative to an invariable measure of the true. If customers check it, they can see that they are being robbed, and you know by how much you are robbing them: a truth remains as a judge between you. But if the demon induces you to tamper with the scale itself, it is the criterion of the true which is denatured, there is no longer any possible control. And little by little you will forget that you are cheating." Denis de Rougemont

Earlier Today, I Heard A Trump Supporter Say: "You Don't Know What To Believe." Once Trump Gets You To Throw Up Your Hands, You Won't Be Able To Determine What's True. Instead, You'll Be More Willing To Accept Lies As Truth. This Is Why Trump Lies So Much And Says "Who Knows? We'll See" So Often. Hannah Arendt Has The Details

How Trump Trashes The Underpinnings Of Truth-And-Faith-In-Shared-Values So That The Resulting Chaos Creates Cultists Conditioned To Believe Falsehood Over Truth: 20th Century Intellectual Titan, Hannah Arendt, Analyzes This Corrosive Mechanism

Nothing makes us stupid like anger.
Irrepressible, kneejerk anger

"The New (Ab)Normal: Flood Every Media Platform With A Fire Hose Of Falsehood... And The Need For A New Journalistic Method"


Donald Trump’s statements about Muslims cheering after 9/11 are just the latest in a long record of false claims. But if Trump is the most recent, maybe most flamboyant, falsifier to enter US politics, he's not the first and won't be the last. OTM takes a look at political lies, including a taxonomy and history of political untruths; a psychological examination of how and why we lie; and whether, at the end of the day, the most damaging lies aren't the ones we tell ourselves about our fellow citizens.
Alan: Trump culitsts have no intention to tell the truth, except coincindentally. They are only interested in the ideologically-driven "falsehood du jour." One minute that falsehood is ivermectin. The next minute, it's oleandrin. Then it's clorox. UV light. And now that the FDA has certified COVID vaccines as safe, you will hear NO ONE repeat the canard that these vaccines are "experimental." Ultimately, Trump cultists are driven by their cornerstone need to keep their theological beliefs alive in a world where science is undermining the importance of "healing prayer" and other forms of divine miraculousness. 
Recently, A Rush Limbaugh Listener Proposed A Replacement Candidate For Trump In Next Year's Election Because Because The Donald Was Not A F | made w/ Imgflip meme maker

On the Media Podcast


Kicking off our deep dive into deception with a taxonomy of the political lie.


Our relationship with lying in our own lives has a lot to do with how we judge the lies of politicians. 

Trumpistas Don't Just Lie They're Antagonistic To Truth | made w/ Imgflip meme maker


Though this election season feels particularly falsity-filled, we've been on this road for a long time. Here's a brief history of political lies and how Trump has broken the mold.


If fact-checking is meant to chasten politicians who lie, why isn't it more chaste out there? We speak to Politifact about educating the public and the definition of a "half-truth."

What The Good Guys Are Up Against... People Who Say "I Wouldn't Believe That Even If It Was True" | made w/ Imgflip meme maker


Why people believe what they want to believe, despite the facts. 


Nate Silver of Five Thirty Eight explains why Donald Trump's position in the polls isn't everything he makes it out to be, and how polls can also obscure the truth.


For many on the Left, Trump's popularity merely confirms their assumptions about those other people in America. And this may be the most dangerous lie of all.

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