Monday, November 16, 2020

What Happens When People Matter More Than Vacant Space: An Object Lesson In The Relationship Between Perspective And Meaning (A GIF)


We know those numbers are a lot, so we found this amazing visualization of the 2016 election:

Alan: With 97% of the presidential vote counted (and most outstanding ballots expected to be blue), Joe Biden has 7.7% more popular votes than Donald Trump.

N.B. My calculation is not the raw difference between Joe's percentage of the vote and Trump's percentage of the vote, but rather I have calculated how many more popular votes Joe got as a percentage of Trump's vote total.
Here are the raw data:

Here is a useful comparison:
In 2016, Hillary got 4.56% more popular votes than Trump did.

1 comment:

  1. The starting map looks like a map of COVID risk. If they just looked, red states might see God trying to tell them something.
