Monday, October 12, 2020

The First Amy Coney Barrett Judiciary Committee Hearing Just Ended: The Best Way Forward Now Is Through The Universal Issue Of Healthcare, Not The Polarizing Issue Of Abortion

Amy Coney Barrett: "Am I Missing Something?"

"Amy Coney Barrett: Parallels Between Biblical Literalism And Constitutional Literalism"

Trump Can't Even Keep The White House Safe... And Amy Coney Barrett Collaborates In The Recklessness

Trump has not had a non-transactional interaction in his life.
There is always a quid pro quo.

Alan: The first Amy Coney Barrett Judiciary Committee hearing just ended.

Clearly, ACB is a learned, likeable person, almost certainly someone we would LOVE to have as a neighbor. 

She is an enthusiastic literateur, knows the Bible well, is a fan of good movies, loves her children -- and other people's children -- is VERY happily married, and is deeply concerned about many peace and justice issues.


Let's focus on the fact that there is so much to be gained by sticking to the issues of healthcare, pre-existing conditions and LGBTQ rights -- all of which a decisive number of Americans enthusiastically favor -- that it is politically advisable to avoid "the abortion weeds," a domain in which deliberately inflamed sentiments -- on both sides of the aisle -- will afford NO chance of modeling civility which a decisive number of Americans also want. 

Rule #1: Don't kick the hornet's nest.

Concerning "pre-existing conditions," why is NO ONE mentioning that the individual mandate was adopted as the least offensive "financing model" that would ensure enough "funding" to cover pre-existing conditions. 

Republicans KNOW they have no answer to the question: "How will you cover the cost of pre-existing conditions?" 

So, for Christ's sake, keep asking that unanswerable question. 

As dimwitted as the "double digiters" are, they can be made to understand that MONEY to pay for pre-existing conditions has to come from somewhere because "private insurance" can ONLY make a profit by refusing to cover pre-existing conditions.  

So if you ask the question "out loud" often enough -- and necessarily get NO satisfactory answer -- "Lo!" -- before you know it, it becomes clear (even to the dimwits) that the ONLY way to pay for pre-existing conditions is for government to be "the payer of last resort." 

Trump himself is "on record" agreeing with this inconvenient truth!!! Here, watch him espouse this truth with his own lips. 

Trump Can't Even Keep The White House Safe... And Amy Coney Barrett Collaborates In The Recklessness

Clearly, the abortion issue cannot be abandoned.

So it is critical that every Democrat address it.

At minimum, Democrats can be "non-inflammatorily beneficial" by mentioning -- every single one of them -- that Roe v. Wade is "the law of the land" and that stare decisis -- the legal principle that you don't mess with established law -- is a sacred rubric.,precedents%20set%20by%20previous%20decisions.

There are also two HUGE issues surrounding abortion where -- instead of indulging glib, preach-to-the-choir left-wing platitudes -- Democratic senators could perform a crucial educational function. 

H.G. Wells: "Human History Becomes More And More A Race Between Education And Catastrophe"

Issue #1.) Republicans (and other conservatives) mistakenly believe that by eliminating Roe v. Wade -- and thereby outlawing abortion -- the practice of abortion will "go away" rather like Trump promising the imminent disappearance of COVID: "And one day it will just go away... like a miracle!"

But there is NO lockstep relationship between proscription of abortion and diminishing the abortion rate --- just as the prohibition of alcohol did not eliminate drinking, but instead layered new problems - HUGE problems - on top of the ostensible problem of "drink."

The fact that there is no lockstep relationship between the proscription of abortion and diminution of the abortion rate, leads us from the first "eyeopener" to Eyeopener #2. 

Not only is there less per capita abortion in the United States today than there was on the eve of Roe v. Wade, we also know now that many developed societies have lower abortion rates wherever abortion (and birth control) are safe, legal and accessible than many other societies which have outlawed abortion.

Abortion Rates Often Go Down When Countries Make It Legal Whereas Countries With Stricter Abortion Laws Can Have Higher Abortion Rates


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