Saturday, October 24, 2020

"The Anti-Catholic Ticket Of Biden-Harris": A Homily By Fr. Edward Meeks (How To Overcome The Self-Destructiveness Of Self-Righteousness)

There is no reference to abortion either. 

Dear Josie,

I just listened to Fr. Edward Meeks' homily about voting in accordance with a certain view of orthodox Catholicism.

Abortion and socialism dominate Meeks' list of "Democrat" shortcomings.

It needs to be said that "abortion" is not mentioned anywhere in the New Testament.

Not once.

Indeed, the word "abortion" -- a ubiquitous practice in the ancient world -- does not appear in the Old Testament either.

However, a passage often cited by abortion opponents is Exodus 21:22–23:

If people are fighting and hit a pregnant woman and she gives birth prematurely but there is no serious injury, the offender must be fined whatever the woman’s husband demands and the court allows. But if there is serious injury, you are to take life for life . . .

Contemporary abortion opponents interpret this passage as distinguishing between causing a premature birth (fine) versus causing a miscarriage (death penalty), which is indeed what most modern translations suggest. Unfortunately for abortion opponents, at least one thousand years of rabbinical scholarship say the fine is for causing a miscarriage and the death penalty is for causing the death of the pregnant woman. If anti-abortion exegetes are only now finding in this rather obscure passage evidence for an absolute biblical ban on abortion, you have to wonder why no one read it that way before. The Talmud permits abortion under certain circumstances, in fact requires it if the woman’s life is at stake.

The New Testament was a second chance for God to make himself clear about abortion. Jesus had some strong views of marriage and sex—he considered the Jewish divorce laws too lenient, disapproved of stoning adulteresses, and did not shrink from healing a woman who had “an issue” (vaginal bleeding of some sort) that had lasted twelve years and would have made her an outcast among Jews. But he said nothing about abortion. Neither did Saint Paul, or the other New Testament authors, or any of the later authors whose words were interpolated into the original texts. 

It strikes me as odd that people who are prone to consider God's omniscience never ask themselves why this "hottest" of all "hot button issues" in contemporary Christianity was not mentioned by Jesus nor Paul. 

Why didn't "the crystal ball of Divine Omniscience" lead them to condemn the practice in no uncertain terms if indeed abortion is the central moral issue that Fr. Meeks makes it out to be.

The fact is that for centuries the Church understood that the fetus was not infused with a soul until so-called "quickening" which takes place when mothers first feel intrauterine fetal movement - typically between the 14th and 17th week of pregnancy. (Here is a full discussion of "quickening."

Christians Ignore Jesus' Direct "Commandments" But Are Punctilious About Things He Never Said

Shifting gears...

It is common knowledge that women often seek abortion because they feel incapable of properly providing for a child.

A place to begin reconciliation of pro-Life views and pro-Choice views might be a trade-off something like this: all citizens will enjoy truly affordable access to quality healthcare plus a livable guaranteed income in exchange for an abortion ban after the 14th-17th week of pregnancy.

Abortion Rates Often Go Down When Countries Make It Legal Whereas Countries With Stricter Abortion Laws Can Have Higher Abortion Rates


As for socialism, Fr. Meeks's fallacious allegation that Biden, Harris -- and Democrats generally -- tend toward enveloping socialist governance is simply nonsense.

It is nonsense because Fr. Meeks begins with a mistaken definition of Socialism. 

I do not believe that Bernie Sanders himself, a card-carrying member of The Socialist Party of America, would "sign off" on the textbook definition of socialism as a "political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole."

I would have to ask my friend David for clarification, but he is the only consciously professed socialist I know. 

Even so, David does not advocate that the means of production, distribution and exchange be owned by the community as a whole. 

So, "ownership" of the means of production is not part of Democratic Party politics. 

Furthermore, following the economic debacles of the Soviet Union, the eastern bloc countries -- and, in the New World, Cuba -- I cannot imagine anyone in The Democratic Party who would want to regulate the means of production, distribution, and exchange via the community as a whole

On the other hand, the model of so-called Democratic Socialism -- the foundational system of governance that prevails in Western Europe -- presupposes that a vital capitalist engine based on private capital (alongside government investment as well) is indispensable to any thriving modern economy. 

However Democratic Socialism assumes that sizeable taxes will be imposed by democratically-elected representatives of the community who, in turn, are part of a democratically-elected governmental system which, together, will then use those tax revenues to provide goods-and-services to advance "The General Welfare" to cite one of the foremost goals of American governance as set forth in the Preamble to the Constitution.

The Preamble (Mission Statement): "We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America." 

And finally, although I cannot say with any certainty what Fr. Meeks political axioms are, he is cut from the same cloth as Catholic Monarchism, which ultimately depends on The Divine Right of Kings, a philosophical-and-theological principle that remains -- as it has always been -- hostile to Democracy.

Many Americans find it unthinkable that such Monarchists exist.

In fact, they comprise a sizable constituency (and although they often do not recognize-or-acknowledge the implications of their own monarchical roots) they speak openly -- and routinely -- of Christ the King and the kingship of God. 

This terminology is not necessarily a bad thing, but Fr. Meeks uses his belief in Divine Monarchy to bad mouth Democracy (and democrats) as soon as any sovereign political dimension of Democracy conflicts with the primacy of "God-Monarch" and "Catholic Church Monarchy" ruled by an ortodox pope who is not a king exactly but of similar type and imbued with even more power.

Whenever Democracy conflicts with traditional Catholic Monarchism, political Democracy is immediately demonized and treated as a noxious infestation to be eradicated, no holds barred.

And so it is that straight-laced Catholic orthodoxy is routinely shadowed by fascist tendencies as we see in Franco's Spain, Mussolini's Italy, Pinochet's Chile, and Jorge Rafael Videla Redondo's Argentina during the era of "The Disappeared."

Similarly, Guatemalan dictator Efrain Rios Montt, a strict Christian evangelical, was behind the Civil War that decimated (sometimes literally) Guatemala's Mayan people. All in the name of "Law and Order" which is the "calling card" fascists and conservative Christians hold in common.

I have no expectation you will read the following article about Rios Montt. I include it as a pertinent illustration and because he is a political personality whose blind Christianity caused one of the greatest racial and political horrors of our lifetime. 

In his own way, Rios Montt reprises Girolamo Savonarola, who, by my lights, was a "man of God" and a political leader who epitomize the horror that resides at this "intersection."

Read the following cautionary tale of Dominican priest Girolamo Savonarola, who - despite his impeccable personal life - brought disaster to 15th century Florence.

Just four years after taking office, Savonarola's "righteous" rule of Florence crashed and burned, another "Bonfire of the Vanities" - this time his own.

At bottom, Savonarola evoked catastrophe by being "too true to be good." (No typo.)

You can only "bang the bible" for so long - and so hard - before it becomes a weapon.

"The terrible thing about our time is precisely the ease with which theories can be put into practice.  The more perfect, the more idealistic the theories, the more dreadful is their realization.  We are at last beginning to rediscover what perhaps men knew better in very ancient times, in primitive times before utopias were thought of: that liberty is bound up with imperfection, and that limitations, imperfections, errors are not only unavoidable but also salutary. The best is not the ideal.  Where what is theoretically best is imposed on everyone as the norm, then there is no longer any room even to be good.  The best, imposed as a norm, becomes evil.”  
"Conjectures of a Guilty Bystander,” by Trappist monk, Father Thomas Merton

Efraín Ríos Montt, Guatemalan Dictator Convicted of Genocide, Dies at 91

Gen. Efra&iacute;n R&iacute;os Montt in 2003, the year he was nominated for president of Guatemala by the Republican Front party.<br /><br />
Gen. Efraín Ríos Montt in 2003, the year he was nominated for president of Guatemala by the Republican Front party.

Credit...Mario Linares/Reuters

Gen. Efraín Ríos Montt, who as dictator of Guatemala in the 1980s ordered fierce tactics to suppress a guerrilla insurgency and was later convicted of genocide and crimes against humanity, died on Sunday in Guatemala City. He was 91.

The cause was a heart attack, according to his lawyers, Jaime Hernández and Luis Rosales. The general had dementia and had suffered lung and heart problems in recent years.

In the panoply of commanders who turned much of Central America into a killing field in the 1980s, General Ríos Montt was one of the most murderous. He was convicted in 2013 of trying to exterminate the Ixil ethnic group, a Mayan Indian community whose villages were wiped out by his forces.

A Guatemalan judge found that the general had known about the systematic massacres, in the hillside hamlets of the El Quiché department, and had done nothing to stop them or the aerial bombardment of refugees who had fled to the mountains.

The conviction, seen as a landmark in human rights law, was overturned shortly afterward. At his death he was being retried in absentia.

But the general was also a paradox. He began his political career as a reformer and became an evangelical preacher and teetotaler. Though reviled by many, he was a hero to others who believed his “beans and bullets” policy had helped keep Guatemala from falling under the power of Marxist-led guerrillas.

President Ronald Reagan was General Ríos Montt’s most prominent admirer. After meeting him in 1982, Mr. Reagan said the general was “getting a bum rap on human rights.”

“I know that President Ríos Montt is a man of great personal integrity and commitment,” he said. “I know he wants to improve the quality of life for all Guatemalans and to promote social justice. My administration will do all it can to support his progressive efforts.”

ImageGen. Rios Montt, center, announcing the formation of a junta after the overthrow of Gen. Romeo Lucas Garc&iacute;a&rsquo;s right wing government.<br /><br />
Gen. Rios Montt, center, announcing the formation of a junta after the overthrow of Gen. Romeo Lucas García’s right wing government.

Credit...Associated Press

José Efraín Ríos Montt was born on June 16, 1926, in the highland town of Huehuetenango. He joined the army as a young man and was trained at the United States Army School of the Americas in the Panama Canal Zone.

Guatemala has long been under the shadow of American influence. The leftist president Jacobo Arbenz was overthrown in a C.I.A.-backed coup in 1954, an event in which General Ríos Montt, then a young junior military officer, played a minor role.

In 1970, he became army chief of staff, but lost his post as a result of political rivalries and was sent to Washington to join the faculty of the Inter-American Defense College.

General Ríos Montt returned to Guatemala in 1973. The next year he ran for president as the candidate of a coalition supported by the center-left Christian Democrats. He lost after what was widely seen as fraud directed by military commanders. He was then sent out of the country as military attaché in Spain.

In the late 1970s, after returning to Guatemala, General Ríos Montt reinvented himself. He took a Dale Carnegie course in human relations, abandoned Roman Catholicism, became a preacher in the California-based Church of the Word, and struck up friendships with American evangelists, including Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson.

With his slicked-back hair, bushy mustache, charismatic speaking style and reputation for personal rectitude, General Ríos Montt built an enthusiastic following. On March 23, 1982, he and a handful of other officers staged a successful coup. He became head of a three-man junta.

By that time, leftist guerrillas had seized power in Nicaragua and were mounting strong campaigns in El Salvador and Guatemala. Determined to crush the Guatemalan insurgency, General Ríos Montt intensified the scorched-earth campaign that had been waged by his predecessor, Gen. Romeo Lucas García. In his first five months in power, according to Amnesty International, soldiers killed more than 10,000 peasants.

Thousands more disappeared. Hundreds of thousands fled their homes, many seeking refuge across the border in Mexico. Nearly all victims were indigenous people of Mayan extraction.

General Ríos Montt liked to say that a true Christian carried the Bible in one hand and a rifle in the other.

Efraín Ríos Montt at his trial in 2013. He was convicted of genocide and crimes against humanity and sentenced to 80 years in prison.
Efraín Ríos Montt at his trial in 2013. He was convicted of genocide and crimes against humanity and sentenced to 80 years in prison.Credit...Moises Castillo/Associated Press

“If you are with us, we will feed you,” he told Guatemalan peasants. “If not, we will kill you.”

Rival officers deposed General Ríos Montt in a coup on Aug. 8, 1983, after he had effectively ruled as dictator for 17 months. He remained a public figure, however, running for president in 1990 and 2003. Supporters portrayed him as incorruptible, and said he had brought a measure of peace to a country that was careening toward anarchy.

General Ríos Montt served several terms in Congress, which gave him immunity from prosecution. When his last term expired in 2012, he lost that immunity.

By then, advances toward civilian democracy in Guatemala had made it feasible to indict him. An exhaustive “truth commission” investigation provided much evidence. More came from the excavation of mass graves.

General Ríos Montt’s trial opened in January 2013. He and his former chief of intelligence were charged with responsibility for massacres in 15 Ixil Maya villages in which 1,771 unarmed men, women, and children were killed.

The general, who was then 86, protested his innocence.

“I never did it,” he testified at his trial. “Of everything that has been said here, there has never been any evidence of my participation.”

In pronouncing her verdict after a two-month trial, Judge Yasmín Barrios said she was “completely convinced” of General Ríos Montt’s guilt. She sentenced him to 80 years in prison.

Relatives of victims who packed the courtroom, many wearing colorful Maya clothing, erupted in cheers of “Justice!” and “Yes, it was genocide!” The general’s co-defendant was acquitted.

“For Guatemala it broke ground that these people are no longer untouchable,” Jo-Marie Burt, a Latin America expert at the Schar School of Policy and Government at George Mason University, said of the trial. “The Ríos Montt trial was another example of Latin America leading the way in showing that it is possible to bring war criminals to trial and to bring some measure of reparation to the victims, and to rewrite the historical record so that it’s a more accurate reflection of what happened and who was responsible.”

General Ríos Montt is survived by his wife, María Teresa; a son, Enrique, who served as army chief of staff but resigned after being charged with embezzlement; and a daughter, Zury, a former member of Congress who is married to a Republican former member of the United States Congress, Gerald C. Weller. Another son, Homero, a military doctor, was killed in a helicopter crash in 1984.

“Consider the thousands of unarmed men, women and children killed by the army while he sermonized about morality, and he is a monster,” wrote David Stoll, a professor of anthropology at Middlebury College in Vermont. “Consider the hopes invested in him by many Guatemalans, including poverty-stricken Catholic peasants, and he becomes a hero of mythic proportions.”

Correction: April 24, 2018

An earlier version of this obituary misstated the length of General Ríos Montt’s trial. It was about two months, not five. The earlier version also misstated the year General Ríos Montt’s son Homero died — it was 1984, not 1982 — and overstated what is known about the helicopter crash in which he was killed. Most reports at the time said that the helicopter experienced mechanical failure; it has not been determined that guerrillas shot it down.

Elisabeth Malkin and Nic Wirtz contributed reporting.

A version of this article appears in print on April 2, 2018, Section D, Page 11 of the New York edition with the headline: Efraín Ríos Montt, Guatemalan Dictator Convicted of Genocide, Dies at 91Order Reprints | Today’s Paper | Subscribe

On Sun, Oct 18, 2020 at 7:05 PM JM wrote:

Dear Alan,  This came to me today from my very devout sister-in-law in Asheville (I think my brother is a Knights of Columbus ... I know he belongs to some group that dresses up like them).  She is generally lovely ... was  a Eucharisitc minister when women first were able to be so ... he is amajor problem for me.  Sent to all my siblings I do not think it is going to change any votes.  But I feel compelled to respond.  I am going to ponder it for a day or two, but send something back way before November 3rd ... any thought you have will be most appreciated.  josie

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: JBM
Date: Sun, Oct 18, 2020 at 11:55 AM
Subject: Fwd: WATCH: Courageous Priest Speaks The TRUTH About Joe Biden and Kamala Harris | The Anti-Catholic Ticket

Please watch. So important. 

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Begin forwarded message:

From: LS
Date: October 16, 2020 at 3:20:25 PM EDT
Subject: Fwd:  WATCH: Courageous Priest Speaks The TRUTH About Joe Biden and Kamala Harris | The Anti-Catholic Ticket

      Didn’t expect this in church 

Subject: WATCH: Courageous Priest Speaks The TRUTH About Joe Biden and Kamala Harris | The Anti-Catholic Ticket




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