Wednesday, November 2, 2022

Capitalism Is America's Invisible Propellant Of Moral Degradation

I've Been Meaning To Write This Cut-To-The-Chase Analysis For Several Years: Democracy, Theocracy And The Transformation Of American Politics In My Lifetime

Capitalism Is That Hand In Your Pants, Seducing You, Caressing You To Near-Climax... While Going About The Machine's Abiding Purpose Of Picking Your Pocket, Leaving You Raped, Ravaged And Degraded

"The Rich Plunder The Poor, Then Pile The Blame On The Dispossessed"

Private property is the pillar of Capitalism. 

Private property is not intrinsically bad, but to avoid the incorrigible corruption that routinely "comes in tow," private property must be widely distributed, ensuring the existence of a thriving middle class, a dignified working class, and no underclass.  

For several years I have been impressed  that "the right" is in complete denial (and the left oddly negligent) of the contextual role (what might even be called "the deep state" role) that Capitalism plays in making people stupid "consumer units" at the expense of responsible citizenship, not to mention the sacrificial expense of personal responsibility to The Common Good, The General Welfare, and a genuinely Social Contract

"The right" generally - and flamboyantly in its conservative Christian manifestation - is blind (or self-scotomized as Carl Jung would say) to the prospect that Capitalism is responsible for manufacturing "wants," thereby making people wanton, and consequently degenerate. 

Instead, "the right" sees leftists as intrinsically destructive of morality, when it is the complete moral ignorance of Capitalism itself, and the total denial of economic responsibility -- in every sense of the word, right down to "consuming the planet" -- that serve as the self-evident cornerstones of Capitalism's all-encompassing destructiveness. 

Maybe I'm overvaluing the role religion plays, but as a matter of practical politicking, it seems that headway could be made (and at least some common ground established) if the bestial piggishness of Capitalism were brought into focus, or at least made an ongoing part of "The Conversation."

At bedrock, we find conservative Christians totally unwilling to criticize Capitalism even though Capitalism's pervasive ignorance (and refusal to accept responsibility) degrade every moral principle -- just as Trump does.

Capitalism creates de novo "wants" which quickly morph into perceived "needs."

Accompanying this transformation of "want" into "need" is the degradation of formerly responsible citizens attentive to The Common Good and The General Welfate into atomized, self-seeking "consumer units".

Lickety split, the entire social matrix and political matrix become irredeemably wanton.

Billionaire Nick Hanauer's TED Talk: "Capitalism's Dirty Little Secret"

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