Monday, July 11, 2022

Why Is It That Trump Is Guilty Of "Everything," But Can Be Convicted Of Nothing?


I will begin by saying Andrew Weissman is One Smart Cookie, quite likely the brightest guy working for Mueller's investigation. Here/s his Wikipedia page:

Weissman wrote a rave-reviewed book -- "Where The Law Ends" -- about his work with Mueller's probe:

Former Mueller investigator lays out a new roadmap for the DOJ to nail Trump for Jan. 6

Excerpt from article above:

Writing in the New York Times, a former federal prosecutor who assisted in special counsel Robert Mueller's investigation of Donald Trump suggested that, to all appearances, the Department of Justice is approaching Trump's involvement in the Jan. 6 insurrection in the wrong manner and offered up a different strategy that could speed up the process.

According to Andrew Weissman, who led investigations into the Genovese and Colombo crime families, the fact that revelations about the Capitol riot presented by the House select committee are reportedly catching DOJ officials by surprise means they need to change their approach given the resources they have.

Instead, he suggested what he called a 'hub and spoke" approach instead of looking at the "the attack on the Capitol as a single event — an isolated riot, separate from other efforts by Donald Trump and his allies to overturn the election."

According to the former investigator, "A myopic focus on the Jan. 6 riot is not the way to proceed if you are trying to follow the facts where they lead and to hold people “at any level” criminally accountable..."


Shifting gears now to an email I wrote yesterday but did not send.

Dear F

There has been so much reporting on how Trump brazenly lied about the undervaluation of his NYC real estate, then turned around and used the undervaluation to lessen his taxes - just before turning around yet again with a stated overvaluation to borrow even more money on even more favorable terms that it's unfathomable to me that this son of a bitch is still walking.

I know that cowboy capitalism is rigged so that the mofos get away with anything -- including incinerating the earth.

But from buying his way out of the Trump University scam, through Mueller, and onward to NYC taxes and BLATANT election fraud in Georgia, I can't help but ask WTF is going on?

Have they all been bought off, including members of our beloved press corps at NPR and MSNBC.

Or are the oligarchs/plutocrats who clink glasses and grab pussy on the other side of capitalism's mirrored one-way glass ceiling part of a decadent system so old -- and so biased in their favor -- that they can make any outcome happen. 

These people -- including almost everybody on the right side of the aisle -- are so goddamn vile. 


Apparently, they just incinerate a sacrificial victim (like Leona Helmsley or Bernie Madoff) every decade or so - and ALL the other smiley-face thugs walk.


The fundamental question here is this: "How can this SOB MoFo do ANY goddamn thing he wants... and walk away from it... no matter what sh*t hits the fan.

No matter who he injures, menaces or destroys.

No matter the bastard's in-your-face-determination to take the country down

No matter his decision to let the dogs out by destroying all honorable epistemology, urging all his carefully cultivated devotees to believe that whatever he says -- and whatever they want to believe -- is God's Truth.

Clearly, at the Helsinki summit Trump said out loud, in plain language -- and with unprecedentedly straightforward candor -- that he believed Putin's intelligence agencies over his own, and then 24 f*cking hours later, Malignant Messiah's henchmen get together - and with the plausibility of Giuliani sh*tting from his ears - they hold a press conference to say: "Oh, the president misspoke himself." 

Refresh your memor, my friend.

This is what went down...

Trump told the truth so clearly that even his lap-dog ass-licks at FOX and New York Daily News turned on him.

And when they turned on him by acknowledging that Malignant Messiah had told the truth, the HONCHOS got-together (up to and including the Fortune 500 owners of The Media) and they ALL concluded: "We have to concoct a New "TRUTH," and we must normalize this new TRUTH overnight, just as if the New Truth had been spoken by GOD HIMSELF."

And, instantaneously, Trump was "sanitized."


Praised for his integrity.

Lauded for turning his back on Putin.

Even for inept staff, it is not plausible that Trump had "misspoken himself." 

It did not even occur to the bastard himself - or anyone else on his nation-wrecking team - until The Next Day - 24 hours later - for Trump Camp to say he had misspoken himself. 

Nero didn't fiddle while Rome burned.

His music-making was to motivate Roman fire-fighters to show the world what heroic stuff they were made of.

But the worst of Trump Camp's force-fed defecation directly into the ears and minds of Americans was when Malignant Messiah "bought his way" out of the Trump University Scandal.

Here is my blog post teasing the truth out of that hot mess:

Donald Trump, Felon: Re-Visiting Trump University

Consider the opening lines:

"If you or I -- or anyone we know -- had perpetrated a scam to steal $40,000,000.00 dollars from thousands of hard-working Americans, we would not just go to prison.

We would die there.

No matter how Devious Donald's lawyers manipulate the legal system -- including his standard operating procedure of paying huge sums to "settle out of court" -- Trump is a felon. 

A thief.  

A classless rip-off artist. 

He should be behind bars - which is where you and I would be.

And if you don't think so, you should be ashamed of yourself, and your self-induced deception -- your turncoat treachery."

In 2016, New Yorker columnist, John Cassady, wrote a column titled "Trump Univeristy: It's Worse Than You Think." He concluded, "If the revelations about Trump University_ _don’t do any damage to Trump, it’s time to worry—or worry even more—about American democracy."

And now it's time to worry. 

But the peculiar thing about Trump is he is forthright about he's going to f*uck you in the ass. And so, it is not surprising that Trump's "play book" for bamboozling Trump University marks was the same playbook he used to bamboozle the nation. 

The Trump Univesity Sales Training manual says, “Don’t ask people what they think about something you’ve said. Instead, always ask them how they feel about it. People buy emotionally and justify it logically.”

And so it was that the nation was suckered into hostility toward thinking, replacing it with the emotionality of "feeling."

And now we have a nation of dimwits who will get right in your face to shout, "I wouldn't believe any of yous even if it was true - especially if it was true.

Even more damnable is that The Press carries on about Trump continued support for The Big Lie of fraudulent voting but NEVER -- as in NEVER, EVER, EVER -- mentions (much less repeats ad nauseum as Fox News and OAN would do) the following incontrovertible proof that fraudulent voting is about as rare as lightning striking in the same place twic:

"Kansas Politician Kris Kobach (And Trump Appointee) Is Emblematic Of The Bullshit Nonsense That Has Become The Bogus Essence Of The Republican Party"

It's all there, F

Everything you need to know.

Everything anyone needs to know.

And it comes straight from Trump's own Oval Office.

Malignant Messiah AGREES that his own Office proved HE WAS THE FRAUD!!!

The most remarkable facet of this entire Kobach episode is that it forces even diehard Trumpistas to acknowledge that Trump has always lied like The Prince Of Darkness whenever it comes to pretending that voter fraud is a real deal.

It is NOT a real deal.

It is sheer trumpery.

Notably, President Trump was forced to give up the pretense of voter fraud before The Facts of HIS OWN inquiry embarrassed him even more. (And now, it is ancient history, no more pertinent than the  Peloponnesian Wars.)

If you want additional proof, just demand that "The Kobach Case" be put front-and-center in the nation's public school curriculum, and then watch the blood spill as every conservative in America does his utmost to stonewall The Truth so that the demonic mendacity decomposing at the heart of their "party" does not entirely undermine GOP epistemology, leaving nothing but a massive turd where once The Party of Lincoln resided.

If GIF doesn't work, click on the following link:

Trump Lies Shamelessly, Compulsively, Continuously... 
And His Followers Suck The Sludge As If It Were Ambrosia

Pax et amor


PS Lincoln could save us again, if only reporters were not so enthralled by the blinding heat of the moment and actually contextualized their daily commentary by teaching a little history.

You'd think these Lincoln quotes would be enough. Tragically, very few of us read outside the fetid slop sloshing around in our hermetically sealed "Confirmation Bias Bubbles":

Image result for "fleece the people" Lincoln
Alan: The above Lincoln quote fact-checks.

Collected Works Of Abraham Lincoln, Volume 1

The following Lincoln quote also fact-checks:
Lincoln On Labor And Capital: Ask Conservative Friends To Mass Email This, Then Ask Why Not

The following Lincoln quote fact-checks:

Pax on both houses: Follow The Money: Trump Nemesis Adam Schiff ...

"Trump Openly Admits That The Republican Party Cannot Win Without Cheating, And The Most Effective Cheating Is Race-Based Voter Suppression

Pax on both houses: The 1%: Smart Enough To Know You're Stupid ...

Roger Stone: Members Of Trump's Inner Circle Are Unusually Likely To Be Convicted Felons

On Sun, Jul 10, 2022 at 6:02 PM FV wrote:

All I could imagine is that we all believed he had enough to hang him but maybe it wasn't as obvious as we thought or she's going for the more low hanging fruit.

On Sun, Jul 10, 2022, 5:48 PM Alan Archibald <> wrote:
The previous DA was Vance and everybody was certain he'd laid enough groundwork to convict that bastard six ways from Sunday.

Then, in waltzes this new DA, and "No... I don't think so."



On Sun, Jul 10, 2022 at 5:42 PM FV wrote:
I remember we all believed the previous d.a. was going after his taxes big time and that the new d.a. didn't seem as intent on that.
Finally she's after something if not just a bit of what he's guilty of.

I hope Cohen is right and he's trembling along with his progeny.

On Sun, Jul 10, 2022, 5:36 PM Alan Archibald <> wrote:
For the longest time we all assumed that the NYC DA was going to take out Trump.

Then what's his name left and a woman DA took over.

And suddenly, overnight, (just a few months ago), she was rumbling like there was not near enough evidence to take Trump down and so she wasn't going to pursue it.

And now - overnight again - it seems like there's grounds to indict the mofo.

Do you not remember this sequence?

It's always possible I got it wrong, but I don't think so.



On Sun, Jul 10, 2022 at 5:31 PM FV wrote:
I don't quite understand the question.

With the 3 pronged arrows pointing at him, I only hope one is a bulls eye.

On Sun, Jul 10, 2022, 12:59 PM Alan Archibald <> wrote:
And just when things couldn’t seem to get any worse, the Manhattan District Attorney’s Office is expected to take the Trump Organization and its former CFO to trial for dodging city, state, and federal taxes by coming up with a payment scheme that included off-the-books luxury apartments, a flashy car, and tuition at an exclusive school for his grandkids."

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