Friday, July 1, 2022

Donald Trump, Felon: Re-Visiting Trump University


Alan: If you or I -- or anyone we know -- had perpetrated a scam to steal $40,000,000.00 dollars from thousands of hard-working Americans, we would not just go to prison.

We would die there.

No matter how Devious Donald's lawyers manipulate the legal system -- including his standard operating procedure of paying huge sums to "settle out of court" -- Trump is a felon. 

A thief.  

A classless rip-off artist. 

He should be behind bars - which is where you and I would be.

And if you don't think so, you should be ashamed of yourself, and your self-induced deception -- your turncoat treachery."

Compendium Of Pax Posts About Trump University

Married Couple Say Trump Defrauded Them Of $35,000.00, But Will Vote For Him Anyway

Donald Trump: "Convicted Sexual Predator"
(Court Orders Convicted Felon, Trump, To Pay $83.3 Million Dollars To His Victim, E. Jean Carroll)

For The Trump Organization -- and other large American enterprises -- monetary fines are just "another cost of doing business." 

"Rightness," "wrongness" and even "deadly criminality" (as evidenced by the Sackler Family's fatal promotion of the opioid epidemic) are non-issues when it comes to rapacious corporate activity. 

Make no mistake.

Fat cats make business decisions - full-fledged, in-your-face, felonious, harmful-if-not-deadly decisions - simply to "make money." 

And, to probe The Biggest Corporate Scam of all, they do so with no concern for the carnage, havoc, mayhem and deadly fallout of perpetual warfare waged on "designated enemies" - be they civilian or military.

Eisenhower Reveals THE DEEP STATE: Ike's Farewell Address Televised From The Oval Office Sounds The Alarm That The "Military-Industrial Complex" Comprises The Greatest Threat To American Democracy By Making Us A Murderous Corporatocracy

"Do Wars Really Defend America's Freedom?" (Homage To Marine Commandant, Major General Smedley Butler)

"How To Make Lasting Political Progress"
(Marine Commandant, Major General Smedley Butler, Teaches Us To Win It All Through Our Persistent Determination To Keep On Losing)

"Why We Fight"
Documentary Study Of The Military Industrial Complex

The Civil War: White Christians Slaughtering One Another On A Scale Jihadists Can Only Dream Of... And Now It's Back, "Civil War, 2.0"

In the annals of Trump University theft, middle-class Americans were ripped off to the tune of $120,000,000.00 of worthless tuition. 

One Trump University official said that -- to his knowledge -- no student ever made money by following the real estate methods taught at Trump University.

For capitalist scofflaws like Trump, "out of court settlement" is the preferred method for "getting away" with their routine feloniousness - and arguably the quickest way for large corporations to make huge profits even after paying legal costs and fines. 

Drug Companies Pay Billions In Fines Which Amount To "Petty Cash"
(Just Another Cynical "Cost Of Doing Business")

But even if "you" belong to The Club and cannot arrange "out of court settlement," your "clubbish" corporation will still have plenty of "cash on hand" to pay lawyers, court-mandated fines -- and still make out like bandits.




Common criminals.

Donald Trump had $25,000,000.00 "cash on hand" to pay the fine that enabled him to rip off his devotees, while still profiting from his felonious abuse.

Trump Is Paying $25 Million To Put The Trump University Fiasco Behind Him. Here's Why We Shouldn't Let Him.
Los Angeles Times

"Capitalism Has Pre-Arranged The Legalization Of Its Own Criminality" | Capitalism Has Pre-Arranged The Legalization Of Its Own Criminality | image tagged in free market capitalism makes the rich richer and the poor poorer,the 1 percent is smart enough to know you're stupid enough to a | made w/ Imgflip meme maker

If you do not understand the self-evident truth of Capitalism's everyday banditry, you have "sold your birthright for a mess of pottage." 

Here are the precise mechanics by which Cowboy Capitalists profit from cold, calculating theft:

Sacklers Directed Efforts To Mislead Public About OxyContin And Other Opioids.
Felonious Family Made Billions While Paying $600 Million In Fines.
"The Rich Plunder The Poor, Then Pile The Blame On The Dispossessed"


It could be otherwise...

Founding Fathers' Profit-Sharing Remedy For Inequality. 

(Even Ronald Reagan Likes It!)

The Original And Enduring Conspiracy: It's About Keeping The Filthy Rich, Filthy Rich

Billionaire Nick Hanauer: "The Top 1% of Americans Have Taken $50 Trillion From the Bottom 90%—And That's Made the U.S. Less Secure"

The Deep State Is Real: Plutocratic, Oligarchic, Unbridled Capitalism

Image result for "pax on both houses" pope francis problems of the poor

Video: Pulitzer Prize Winner Reveals Evidence Of Trump's Extensive Mafia Ties

"To blame the poor for subsisting on welfare has no justice unless we are also willing to judge every rich member of society by how producti | made w/ Imgflip meme maker"Donald Trump Is Not A Loyal American ... We Have A Traitor In The White House." Pulitzer Prize Winner, Law Professor, And Trump Biographer  | made w/ Imgflip meme maker
"There Is A Traitor In The White House"
Pulitzer Prize Winning Investigative Reporter, Trump Biographer And Syracuse University Law Professor David Cay Johnston

"The Hard, Central Truth Of Contemporary Conservatism"


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