If we cannot even "get it together" (as a group of concerned citizens) to insist that New York Supreme Court Judge Juan Merchan sentence Trump for his 34 felony convictions (without vacating those convictions), then it is clear to me that we simply don’t give a shit about what we can realistically do in order to be minimally honorable people.
Let us at least stand up for "the principle of the thing."
Trump is hoping for one more victory. It’s in his New York criminal trial: NPR
In a matter of weeks (maybe a matter of days) Judge Merchan will either sentence Trump, or vacate his 34 felony convictions, once again letting The Worst Person in The Known Universe go Scot-free.
Perhaps I should point out that -- even as president -- Trump would be powerless to exonerate himself from these New York City convictions, even though it is true that our increasingly laughable system of government does permit self-exoneration for his other outstanding charges, all of which distill to treasonous sedition.
It is also true that Judge Merchan is legally authorized to sentence Trump to as much as a century (100 years) in prison. He has that power -- indeed, that mandate -- right now.
Or, as an alternative to prison, Judge Merchan could give Trump a massive number of “community service hours” to be performed during His Malignancy’s second term… just as Liar-Felon-Thief-Cheat-Sex-Abuser-Scam-Artist-Grifter-Seditionist-Nominator-Of-Matt-Gaetz-To-Be-Attorney-General spent a massive number of hours playing golf during his first term in office.
During Trump's first administration, Mafia Don spent all - or most - of 248 days playing golf. https://www.cnn.com/.../fact-check-trump-obama.../index.html
Perhaps Trump’s "community service" sentence should be calculated -- tit-for-tat -- on the exact number of hours Trump spent playing golf during his first term.
If Malignant Messiah had time to play golf during his first administration, he has time to be of some actual service during his upcoming term as Decency-And-Democracy-Destroyer-In-Chief.
In any event, this is a golden opportunity to express our opposition publicly... just in case some future American democracy wants to learn from the democracy that just failed.
No one -- not even the president -- is above The Law.
In fact, no one -- ESPECIALLY THE PRESIDENT -- is above The Law.
Do you remember how great we all felt when the jury in New York City convicted The Prince of Darkness on all 34 felony counts?
Now, our lackadaisicalness has gone so exceedingly haywire that we do not even insist that Trump be sentenced -- at all -- for those criminal convictions.
What does it matter if the kangaroos in the Supreme Court eventually exonerate him.
Have we no sense of responsibility to uphold The Rule of Law, even if upholding The Law results in Trump's toadies (now dominating every branch of government) behaving abominably, and in the end, deciding to let MOFO go.
To paraphrase Edward R. Murrow: "Have we no decency?"
To me, it seems we have a special obligation to create a high-decibel hullabaloo, insisting that Judge Merchan sentence Trump.
Colombian-born New York State Supreme Court Justice Juan Merchan -- An Exceptionally Courageous Person -- Issues Epochal Decision Concerning Trump's "Irrevocable" Felony Convictions
It does not matter what the Supremes do after that.
I encourage you to have the gumption to stand up for justice, voicing your personal decision to make His Highness suffer some meaningful measure of opprobrium for his 34 felony convictions.
Demand that he be sentenced for those crimes like ANYONE ELSE IN AMERICA would be sentenced.
The authoritarians, absolutists, and fascists will shriek "Foul play!"
Why don't we shriek, "Trump deserves a day of reckoning, even if his sorry-ass Supreme Court dishonors itself yet again with another abominable, democracy-destroying decision."
Seriously, WTF is wrong with us?
I am about a phlegm-hurl from giving up on The "United" States.
Here is the question.
Are YOU going to contribute to Trump's final victory?
He wants this one last triumph as much he wants to grab pussy and inflict cruelty.
Are You going to sign off on his heart's desire?
Or, will you raise your voice to let it be known that the sonofabitch has gotten away with every, single, goddamn thing, but you will not stand idly by while he trashes The Rule of Law one last time.... before he becomes The Law --- and with your tacit approval?
You can do your part by sharing this post with a dozen friends, including someone on Trump's side of the aisle.
Or, you can be a good German.
January 3rd, 2025 Update:
Trump's Felony Conviction Judge Has Decided To Sentence His Malignancy On January 10, 2025. What This Golden Opportunity Could Mean For Demonstrating That "No Man Is Above The Law" - Particularly The One Man Who Has ALWAYS Been Above The Law, And Laughs At The Manipulability of "The System," While Chortling At The Ridiculousness Of All Us Other Impotent Fools
Trump's Felony Conviction Judge (New York State Supreme Court Justice Juan Merchan), Has Decided To Sentence His Malignancy On January 10, 2025: What This Golden Opportunity Could Mean For Demonstrating - With Unimpeachable Political Integrity - That No Man Is Above The Law.
(Don't Hold Your Breath)
My crystal ball:
This Is The First Time In My Life That I Would Have Emailed Everyone In My Directory Were It Possible With A Single Keystroke. This Is Our Last Chance To Be Counted.
Don't miss this brilliant video sent by Trinidadian friend, Roger Barcant, who was at the University of Toronto with me in the late 1960s. This clip dramatizes - inimitably - what America is becoming. I find it at least as spooky as the original "Invasion of the Body Snatchers" starring Kevin McCarthy.
This Compendium Of "Stupidity And Ignorance Posts" Reveals The Seductive Comfort People Find In Pretending That "Ignorance Is Bliss," When In Fact Stupidity And Ignorance Are "Opiates Of The People," Complete With The Unrelenting Pain, Pervasive Fear And Lack Of Fulfillment That Accompany Every Addiction
Trump's Appointment Of Ex-Con Charles Kushner As Ambassador To France Reveals The Nature Of His Malignancy's "Christian" "Conservative" Achichincles
Charles Kushner has been named Trump's ambassador to France.
Imagine the right-wing rage if Hunter Biden were appointed ambassador - anywhere.
The Maldives. Togo. Tuamotus. Mali.
Trump's Appointment Of Ex-Con Charles Kushner As Ambassador To France Reveals The Nature Of His Malignancy's "Christian" "Conservative" Achichincles
The Philosophical And Psycho-Social Underpinnings Of Trump's Victory --- The Implications Of Vacating Trump's 34 Felony Convictions In New York City --- And What Happens If Biden Resigns And Kamala Becomes The 47th President Of The United States?
Lots of "good Germans" have already gone down that road.
Brilliant Video Dramatization That Imagines The Future Of America, Sent By Trinidadian Friend Roger B. Whom I Had The Pleasure To Know At St. Michael's College, University Of Toronto In The Late Sixties
ALL The "Fire And Brimstone" J.D. Vance Unloaded On Donald Trump Back When Vance Was A "Never Trumper"
What happened to this guy?!?
Capitalism Is The Foremost Propellant Of Moral And Environmental Degradation In America And In The World-- A Propellant Rendered Nearly Invisible By Plutocrats (And Now, Kakistocrats) Who "Divide And Conquer" Via The Idiocracy's Age-Old Manipulation Of Public Opinion
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