Thursday, October 24, 2024

Trump Makes Less Sense Than "A Vagabond On Bath Salts" - And His Devotees Love Him In Direct Proportion To His Incorrigible Ass-Holosity

 Because the world is a proving ground where the goats are separated from the sheep, true believers feel no need to preserve the biosphere because - from the beginning, the world that God loved so much that he sent his only son into it -- was only a stage set to be destroyed at the end time.

And so they don't care about the world, only wanting to escape it back to heaven with a gold star on the center of their foreheads.

Conservative Christianity, Armageddon As Self-Fulfilling Prophecy, And Return To The Neolithic

Increasingly, I am convinced that Cowboy Capitalism is "The Golden Goose" that no one dares point a finger at:

Capitalism Is America (And The World's) Foremost Propellant Of Moral And Environmental Degradation (A Propellant That "The Deep State" Renders Nearly Invisible)

Dear Jenny,

Thanks for your email cum Toronto Star article.

I loved Vinay's assertion that Trump makes less sense than "a vagabond on bath salts."

Here's a recent sequence of uploads to my Facebook page.

  • Trump Cult worships an angry, punitive God.
    And so they LOVE Trump for embodying the fundamental values they worship.
    Bad Religion is at the heart of everything wrong with America.
    We become what we worship.
    Be careful which gods you choose.
    Any one of them can lay us low.
    Any one of them can level the nation.
    We are all prone -- and a-gawk -- at the altar of Cowboy Capitalism’s purchaseable pleasures - Trump more than most.
    $130,000.00 to get laid.
    But he's a brilliant businessman... who declared bankruptcy six times, including bankrupt casinos. ANYBODY can make money with a casino where the odds dictate the owner's profitability.
    Because Trump is the only politician in whom white "Christian" nationalists see themselves perfectly reflected, they adore him.
    And because white "Christian" nationalists adore him -- and consider His Malignancy infallible -- they cannot get enough of his lies, nonsense, cruelty and squalor.
    Venite adoremus.

    Trump’s Depravity Will Not Cost Him This Election

    Capitalism Is America (And The World's) Foremost Propellant Of Moral And Environmental Degradation (A Propellant That "The Deep State" Renders Nearly Invisible)

    For the better part of a week, it has been my intention to write a concise essay about the toxic role played by "conservative" "Christians" (who are neither) as they go about the business of destroying Democracy, and the corresponding business of establishing a theocratic autocracy.

    But the more I ponder this endeavor, the less concise the project becomes.

    Mission Creep! It's everywhere, it's everywhere.

    So right here and now, I'm resolving to enumerate bullet points that make "conservative" "Christians" the most dangerous people on earth. (I say this without denying their "too true to be good" intentions.)

    Ronald Reagan famously said: "The nine most dangerous words in the English language are, 'I'm from the government and I'm here to help you.'"

    In fact, the most dangerous words in the English language are, "I'm a conservative Christian, and I'm here to save you."

    "Conservative" "Christians" (who are neither) are singularly fearful of eternal damnation; being left to roast forever in "The Lake of Unquenchable Fire." By creating a cosmos that doesn't have enough mercy to call a halt -- ever -- to the most exquisite torment imaginable (and then unimaginably more torturous) heir god behaves worse than the most sadistic Inquisitor fine-tuning his engines of torture.

    Then, in keeping with the horrifying logic of kidnapped people enthralled by Stockholme Syndrome, these bogus believers can conceive no greater good than avoiding loss and so they fear punishment more than they delight in a God of Love. (I once read that we humans are twice as "bummed" by loss as we are uplifted by gain. Although I feel this be to be true in my own life, I still fight to be buoyed rather than taking the timid, "cowardly" way of avoiding loss.)

    Related image

    You may recall that my bacchalaureate at the University of Toronot included a dual major of "Latin American Studies" and "Comparative Religions." 

    And so -- in addition to being a lifelong Catholic -- I have studied religion -- in particular, and in the broadest psycho-spiritual sense -- "forever." 

    Yes, it is true that long study does not necessarily bring enlightenment, but it does illuminate "structural" aspects of spirituality and religiosity that, for most people, are "hidden in plain sight." 

    It is fair to say that whatever else I may have learned, I know "the bones" of religion - how the lineaments of religiosity join together in people's hearts, souls, spirits and minds.

    To illustrate...

    The current generation of "conservative" "Christians" -- like so many conservative Christians before them -- are convinced we're living in "The End Times." And so they belief this particular moment-in-time to be absolutely unique -- "the end of it all" ... the culmination, the grand finale to which terrestrial reality (especially in its human manifestations) has been heading in preordained fashion. 

    A Chronological and Cross Cultural Study of Eschatology (aka End-Time Prophecy)

    Almost always one can be "saved" from "credulous creedence" by open-minded, wide-ranging reading, but it is precisely such salvation-from-ingenuousness/falsehood that causes "conservative" "Christians" to cling to the bible as if nothing else matters by the intensity of their belief. 

    Yet, if one takes but a moment to read the history of end-time "millennialism" it is quickly apparent that dozens (maybe hundreds) of "sects" (and not just Christian sects) have harbored the same presumptuous self-certainty before them, only to have their beliefs proven wrong. 

    Of course, being proven wrong doesn't matter to "True Believers" for they are fundamentally ignorant people, people who ignore the fullness of truth in order to assert -- with however much force it takes to pound the belief into their own psyches -- that they "know it all."

    The arrogance -- or at least the presumption -- are epochal.

    True Believers need the semi-certainty afforded by unquestioning beliefs and unflinching acts of faith, even though it is self-evident that faith/belief are one thing, knowledge another, and there is no way to convert faith/belief into knowledge.

    Notably, these "True Believers" are so consumed by their need for "Salvation Assurance" -- i.e., the belief that they WILL NOT suffer forever in The Unquenchable Lake of Fire -- that they thunder (with however much din it takes) -- that their obsessive compulsions have transcended Faith and Belief and that they now KNOW whatever they need to KNOW in order to relieve (or at least keep at bay) the relentless, noxious pressure of the ever recurrent thought that they might, after all, be thrown into The Unquenchable Lake of Fire.

    And so they hermetically seal themselves  within their "confirmation bubbles" to avoid (and hopefully, to eliminate) any-and-all contradictory (or even non-confirming) evidence that might undermine their preachy self-certainty.

    This same self-certainty persuades True Believers that they must save others from a fate worse than death, but not so much to save others as to give themselves opportunity to practice the self-enchantment of reciting knee-jerk credos and litanies.

    In my studied view, the psychological mechanisms of True Believers -- independent of their beliefs and assertions -- obliges them to drone on with enough "white noise" to block out ANY contradictory evidence,

    When I challenged a "true believer" (who blogs as "The Thinking Housewife") on the fact that modern societies with 1.) ready access to legal abortion, 2.) shameless access to quality contraception, and 3.) biologically accurate sex education, routinely have markedly lower abortion rates than cultures that do not exhibit these three socio-political traits, she replied, "I wouldn't believe that even if the evidence reveals it to true."

    True Believers believe what they want to believe and disregard the rest.

    The fact that they could escape the traps they've set for themselves -- simply by reading deeply and widely -- doesn't impress them as possible because they have chosen to believe that many things are simply not possible.

    In their constricted and constricting domains of faith, they do not believe anything but orthodoxies established in The Bronze Age because their delicately arranged card-houses would come tumbling down.

    And then they would have to live in the ruins while engaged in the impossible task of putting Humpty back together again.

    True Believers need to control the lineaments of Truth.

    For them Truth is never discovery, but always confirmation of other peoples' views that they have deified - the views of people who belong The Transgenerational Tribe of the Tighest Sphincters.

    They never engage any open pursuit of experience-tested Truth because they -- in their ever so subtle arrogance/presumption -- must be right on their own terms, with a nod to the presumed "divine authority" of people (often mythic or legendary) who lived 2000 to 3700 years ago. 

    They believe God is in complete control of every "jot and tittle" of human affairs because THEY NEED TO BE IN CONTROL of their entire worldview - its fundaments and its dogmatic content.

    And finally, there's "the ace up their sleeve."

    In order to prove themselves absolutely above reproach, they have created enemies who are abolutely reprehensibe.

    And these enemies -- at least since the 20th century -- have taken on the aspect of "The Baby killers."

    The Baby Killers are absolutely despicable -- absolutely damnable -- because The True Believers need to look down "from the parapets of heaven" into the utter depths of "the damned" in a way that allows for no doubt.

    The righteously orthodox are absolutely good.

    And The Baby Killers are absolutely bad.

    They are so bad that it is considered cornerstone righteous to hope and pray for their damnation.

    It means nothing to "The Absolutely (Self-) Righteous" that "nature" (supposedly under the direction of The Supernatural)

    From the Merck Medical Manual:

    Spontaneous abortions, also known as miscarriages or early pregnancy losses, occur in 10–25% of pregnancies that women are aware of: 
    • Overall: 10–20% of clinically recognized pregnancies end in spontaneous abortion. However, the true incidence is likely higher because many miscarriages go undiagnosed. 
    • First trimester: More than 80% of spontaneous abortions occur in the first trimester. 
    • Risk factors: The risk of miscarriage increases with maternal age, and is also affected by other factors such as smoking, alcohol use, and certain health conditions. 
    Spontaneous abortion is pregnancy loss before 20 weeks gestation; it occurs in approximately 10 to 15% of confirmed pregnancies.

    Spontaneous Abortion - Merck Manual Professional Edition

    It is also lost on The Absolutely (Self) Righteous that most of the people who are both adamant and punitive concerning anyone who justifies abortion under any circumstances are women who have already passed their childbearing years.

    And zero attention is given to "the lefendary fact" that if men could get pregnant, abortion would be a sacrament.

    The world is an unimaginably big place with lots of opportunity for people to carve out their own unique creative spaces within a matrix that makes real freedom available to people who have not been ambushed by rigid moralists who, in their fearfulness, called out to other fearful people, from the shackling constraints and blinkered tunnel vision of The Bronze Age.

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