Monday, July 8, 2024

Should Joe Biden Use The Supreme Court's Imperial Expansion Of Presidential Power To Kill Trump? (Asking For A Friend...)


Abnormal parameters include scheming to replace American Democracy (indeed to trash the whole American Experiment) with a fascist autocracy headed by "President-For-Life" Malignant Messiah

Alan Archibald


Every kind of harassment, oppression and harm that the Supreme Court’s new “imperial presidency ruling” has embued with immunity for Malignant Messiah’s hoped-for second presidency should become an immediate — and ongoing — discussion among folks on the left side of the aisle, fleshing out the theoretical advisability of Biden, undertaking every single kind of harassment that the Supreme Court just vouchsafed to Trump — up to, and including, speculation about Biden authorizing Trump’s assassination… speculation that would take place in much the same spirit Trump once bragged how he could shoot someone on 5th Avenue — in broad daylight — without losing a single voter. 

Trump AND Biden's Immunity Guaranteed By The Supreme Court

Whenever I recall Trump’s 5th Avenue  boast, I marvel that his followers fail to see the boundless contempt Malignant Messiah has for their sense of justice and fair play. He literally thinks his peeps are as vicious, vengeful, shameless and remorseless as he is. And if I were forced to “bet the farm“ I would wager His Malignancy is right.

Here is the fundamental rationale - if only for purposes of hypothetical justification. 

The president's oath of office reads like this: I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the  best of my Ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.

Trump has made it clear that he would suspend (or eliminate) parts of the constitution.

Extra! Extra! Learn All About It! Trump Calls For Terminating Parts Of The Constitution. 

If nothing else, such a hypothetical conversation would force the son-of-a-bitch MOFOs on the right side of the aisle to take a bloody close look at the Malicious Monster Trump’s Supreme Court just unleashed (much to their delight). (In passing, I will mention that we humans tend not to "see things" until the "shoe" is forced on the other foot. Trump followers will be FRIGGIN' OUTRAGED by my mere suggestion. But the beauty of making this hypothetical proposal is that they will immediately be forced to confront their own UGLY, UGLY, murdersously cruel - not to mention anti-Democracy - shadow.)

Trump has also announced his intention to "be dictator on Day 1" of his next (presuemed) administration.

Whether you examine "the surface" or "the substance" of Trump's political oratory, he is a rogue politician, a malevolent human and a bedrock bad actor who has made clear his twin intentions to terminate parts of the constitution and to "be dictator on Day One."

It seems to me that Biden's Presidential Oath To Protrect The Constitution doesn't just authorize him to "neutralize" Trump, but obliges him to take any action necessary to terminate Trump's self-professed intention to trash the constitution.

I will close by pointing out that Lutheran minister Dietrich Bonhoeffer was hung for allegedly participating in a plot to assassinate Hitler.

Although it is debated whether or not Bonhoeffer actually participated in that plot, he is now held in high esteem by most Christians.

Of course, Christians have always honored their prophets, once they’ve been killed, buried, and with enough intervening time for the comforting patina-of-hindsight to render prophets relatively innocuous.

We are living in the midst of a real, here-and-now Bonhoeffer moment.

How much risk will we undertake — individually and collectively — to forfend the final reenactment of Germany in the 1930s, before this generation of fascists overcomes the world, seemingly in perpetuity.

A BRILLIANT Animation About German Lutheran Pastor Deitrich Bonhoeffer (Hung For His Role In A Plot Against Hitler) Who Concluded That 'Stupidity Is More Difficult To Remedy Than Malice'

Am I missing something?

A(‘bald)  🌈💝🍀

PS It would be much simpler for Judge Merchan to offer Trump two to ten years behind bars as he is permitted to do by law following Trump's conviction on 34 felony counts in NYC's "Hush Money - Political Manipulation" case. Or to offer no prison time if he is sent into exile for ten years on a closely guarded island (with ankle bracelet location monitror. Or, to offer Trump 10,000 hours of community service in the grittiest part of inner city New York where transgenerational povery prevails. But don't bet on any of these outcome. 

PS What you can bet on is that Trump will get off nearly Scot-free and remain an existential menace to the survival of American Democracy. Indeed, you can bet long odds that Trump will essentially "walk." And the left -- I think including YOU -- won't creat any significant kerfuffle. But you can be DAMN SURE Trump will.

I mean WTF!!!!!
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On Jul 7, 2024, at 7:36 AM, Frances V wrote:

Unfortunately this is the kind of thing Joe would never take advantage of.

I think if he does lose in Nov. He should pardon his son and send his Justice dept. after Jordan et al. 

Also go after Alito and Thomas .

On Fri, Jul 5, 2024, 12:26 AM Alan Archibald <> wrote:

Sent from my iPhone


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