Thursday, July 4, 2024

I Venture This Is A Winning Ticket. Maybe Even A Surefire Winning Ticket: Presidential Candidate Michele Obama, And Veep Candidate Joe Biden in 2024 Re: Even Biden Aides Shocked at President’s Decline in Debate—Report


Dear F,

Why is Obama-Biden not a winning ticket?

In fact, why is an Obama-Biden ticket stronger than a Biden-Harris ticket in every way? 

I ask you to send along point-by-point rationales why Obama-Biden is not a winning ticket. (Dare I say... a surefire, winning ticket?) 

Of course, I do not think Michele would run. 

I thought (or at least hoped) that she should have run last time around in her capacity as "best candidate to beat Trump," and was disappointed when she did not even express interest. To me it seemed irresponsible that Michele did not throw her hat in the ring. If ever it was time to set aside personal desires and personal preferences in order to insure Malignant Messiah's defeat, it was in 2020.  I was so certain Michele would win in 2020 -- and that any other Democratic candidate might not win -- that her refusal to even test the waters seemed like someone discovering the cure for cancer, and then not revealing it to the world.

Anyhow, although I'm not holding my breath for her to throw her hat in the ring this election season, I feel obliged to propose an Obama-Biden ticket, and for the following reasons.

1.) An Obama-Biden ticket solidifies the black vote.

2.) An Obama-Biden ticket solidifies the women's vote, including the latina women's vote. Surely Trump's conviction on charges of "sexually abusing and defaming E. Jean Carroll" could be made into a cause celebre, particularly by woman-headed ticket.  (Currently, black and latino commitment to Biden is waning.)

3.) With an Obama-Biden ticket, Joe becomes a Senior Statesman who knows (from the inside-out) how to work with the Obamas. And for what it's worth in today's polarized world, Joe knows better than anyone else how to work with Congress.

4.) With an Obama-Biden ticket, Barack becomes America's first ever "First Man," bringing his full range of knowledge, experience and brilliance to bear. He would be the best full-time, live-in presidential counsellor any nation ever had.

5.) And if Biden steps into the vice-presidential role, not only do we get a fine, widely-experienced political mind in the White House. It is also true, but easy to overlook, that an Obama-Biden ticket provides ready-made rationalization for Kamala to step aside, perhaps encouraged to do so by the promise that she would be appointed Attorney General, which is perhaps the best place for her to be. (My reading of the polls is that Kamala trails Trump by several percentage points more than Biden does.)

I have long held that the presidency is waaayyyyyyy too big for one person to shoulder, and that the office should be made into a collaborative council of 5 or 9 people, with one councillor designated - perhaps in rotating fashion - to make urgent decisions such as launching a nuclear weapon, a momentous decision that would set civilization back centuries if not millennia,.. assuming that significant remnants of humankind survive the "hot war," and then the desperate circumstances that would follow.  (An aside... Here is one response to The Fermi Paradox ( ), which in brief looks out on the Universe and asks, "Where is everybody?" What if all "aliens" who were above us on the consciousness ladder commited suicide willingly? What if having higher intelligence makes them realize something we cannot currently postulate or understand? Something that makes conscious, intelligent beings lose their will to live? Might it be common - or even inevitable - for people with higher intelligence (or simply more experience) than homo sapiens has to commit suicide? Species-wide suicide, could be why we don't already have abundant evidence of super-intelligent aliens who would have established contact millennia ago. 

I have no idea -- and, by the nature of my Armageddon Cheerleader Hypothesis -- cannot have evidence-supported proof that such an idea is pertinent.

However, I believe conservative white nationalist "Armageddon Cheerleaders" have already embarked this suicidal path (whether they know it or not).

"Conservative" "Christians" (who are neither) are in such a hurry to "get back to heaven" where God resides in perfect clarity and blissful harmony, that these essentially destructive people care very little for the survival of our species. 

Indeed, it is their blase' carelessness about the future of earth that makes them completely cavelier about global warming and other existential menaces, like Malignant Messiah's delight-in-destruction political agenda.

Check out the following review of the 2023 movie, "Praying for Armageddon."
Praying for Armageddon is a political thriller that investigates the dangerous consequences of the fusion between Evangelical Christianity and American ...
This is a great documentary of the dangers of having a too weak constitution and/or an insufficiently independent un-politicized judiciary system. Authoritarian ...
 Rating: 7.1/10 · ‎382 votes
In any event, it is our moral obligation to do what we can to ensure not only survival, but thrival.

Pax et amor


On Mon, Jul 1, 2024 at 1:32 PM FV wrote:

A couple of things here.
One he was over and poorly prepped. He was not prepared for the rapid onslaught of lies. I want to know who did it.
Two his stutter got the better of him and it might have added to his confusion by trying to control it.

I want the mainstream media to show d.t. and his multiple lies each time they show Joe's missteps.

They are going to make the same mistake they have in the past and continually talk about this and not balance it with even current and future Joe performances.
Or God forbid balance it with d.t. outrages.

On Mon, Jul 1, 2024, 10:35 AM Alan Archibald <> wrote:
This sounds like we’ve been lied to - and systematically.

Sent from my iPhone

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