Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Trump's Punishment: Give Him A Choice Between Serving 1% Of His Potential Maximum Prison Time -- Basically A Year And A Half Behind Bars With No Possibility Of House Arrest -- Or, Let The Convicted Felon Choose 10 Years Of Exile On A Small Island Controlled By Great Britain Or The United States, Either Of Whom Can Surveil His Movements With Minute To Minute Precision. (Plus An Ankle Monitor)

Don't let the diabolical crazy man get away.

Here's how to keep Trump on a chokechain.
Judge Merchan should meet with Trump's lawyers -- in chambers -- to communicate the following choice.
Merchan would begin by saying that he has already decided to sentence Trump to 1% of the total prison time that he could assign -- approximately a year and a half out of 136 years that is the maximum sentence permitted by law.
Merchan would then continue...

"However, in deference to the unusual circumstances surrounding the case and the unprecedented conviction of an ex-president on 34 felony counts, I have decided to give Donald a choice.
Either Mr. Trump be sentenced to a year and a half behind bars (with NO possibility of house arrest).,
Or, Mr. Trump agrees to spend 10 years of exile on an island small enough to surveil his every move. (Destination islands would include the British possessions of The Falkland Islands, Gibraltar, or St. Helena (where Napoleon was exiled and eventually died).

British supervision would prevent Trump from leaving any one of these islands until His Toxicity would be 87 years old, well after his shelf-life expires.
Or, Trump could be exiled to one of Hawaii's smaller islands.
Molokai comes to mind as a good, easily supervisable option. "Located off the west coast of Maui, this island is known as the "Friendly Isle" and is mostly inhabited by native people. It's Hawaii's least visited island and is only accessible by air."
I think you get the picture.
I will close with this red-alert warning.
We must avoid any "liberal" impulse to rationalize any liberties that might facilitate Trump's escape from banishment.

He is a flight risk par excellence.

I hope I never have opportunity to say, "I told you so."

I keep noticing how easily Trump makes "the inconceivable" come across as "the inevitable."

On the other hand, we liberals and progressives seem timid (if not cowardly) whenever we would benefit from the same bold, broad strokes that brought Trump to the apex of power.

For 30-plus years, I have noted that we humans are timid incrementalists. Although I acknowledge that "incrementalism" is most often what makes our bureaucratic world "go round," incrementalism also means that nobody "in the power structure" even dares to get seriously out of line. More notably, noone even imagines that whole "paradigms" can get "out of line" which is what has taken place with His Malevolence.

Make no mistake...
Malignant Messiah is "the most dangerous man in the world," and the advisability of hermetically-sealed island-confinement is NOT to be taken lightly.

It is to be taken as a sine qua non necessity.

Consider how Trump's inimitable blend of bombast, bravado and barbarism - combined with boastful bigotry - enabled this Bad Actor to grab ANY hot potato and turn his brand of unthinkable, anti-American monstrosity into a juggernaut that steamrolled any-and-all opposition, whether that opposition came from within his own party, or from the liberal-progressive camp. (Remember when we thought Jeb Bush would be a firewall?)

Take just one example - the Trump University Scandal.

Donald Trump, Felon: Re-Visiting Trump University

Married Couple Say Trump Defrauded Them Of $35,000.00 But Will Vote For Him Anyway


To make the scandal "go away," His Malignancy had to pay $25 million dollars to "paper over" the well-calculated rip-off of his fellow citizens, but he did it - and handily! - as if navegating the perilous shoals of his Mob Family's continual theft were no more than "the cost of doing business." (If the Trump University Scandal had gone to court, it would have been more damaging to Malignant Messiah's 2016 political aspirations than the hush-money-political-manipulation muck.)

Here's the takeaway.

If Trump won't accept the option of exile, let him spend a year and a half behind bars.

Rykers Island will work just fine. (I don't think germaphobe Trump could survive a week on Rykers, much less a year and half.)

By all means, do not fall prey to fretful hand-wringing which puts us in a dither about how to safely imprison His Maliciousness.

This is not rocket science.

We already know that Trump can be jailed on Ryker's Island -- that both the city of New York, and Trump's own security detail, had put plans in place to keep The Career Criminal safely incarcerated.

If Trump had not surrounded himself with an aura of impregnability (a strategy sucked from Roy Cohn's teat), we would see that "taking the bastard by the balls" is as simple as swapping out his blue suit for an orange prison smock.

Nor does it hurt an ascendant fascist's power grab that so mamy people (apparently a quarter to a third of any population) are content with coprophagy.

Behaving deplorably (aka "acting out") was how fascists used to get attention in K-12.
And nothing has changed.
Needy, abused kids who grew up to be needy, abusive adults.

Here is the instructive story of Napoleon's confinement on St. Helena until his death on the island 6 years after arrival.

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