Sunday, May 19, 2024

If Biden does not put Netanyahu in his place soon, I WILL (as soon as the election is over) call for Joe's indictment by every international court on charges of "War Crimes" and "Crimes Against Humanity."

... and I will not blame young people for refusing to vote for him - even it means another Trump term.

The irony is this.

If Biden told Netanyahu that Joe will actively support cessation of additional weapons-and-ammo for Israel if Bibi does not immediately stop attacks on civilian centers... along with Netanyahu's immediate, vigorous and ongoing support for a two state solution... he would likely have a better chance of beating Mafia Don.  (Biden might use Israeli opposition leader Gantz' ultimatum date of June 8.

"80 percent of his surgeries were on children." ...

"Some children appeared to have been deliberately shot by snipers."

Gaza’s wounds shake a NC surgeon who went to help: ‘It’s mostly the children’.


"How many international courts are there?" 

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