Monday, May 27, 2024

An Update: Your Tax Dollars At Work


Dear F,
Here's what Maher said a month and a half ago -- which is consistent with what he's been saying all along.

I suppose there's a chance that Maher - like me - is increasingly pissed off that Joe is so deeply implicated in Netanyahu's Hitlerian attempts at genocide.

Don't forget.

If Biden does not impose two demands on Netanyahoo prior to the election day, then the day after election I will be calling - vociferously - for Joe to be indicted on charges of war crimes and crimes against humanity.

To refresh your memory concerning the two demands I see as sine qua nons:

1.) Tell Netanyahu that Uncle Sam will terminate all military aid to Israel if Bibi does not stop - immediately that even looks like targeting civilian populations. (Sure, Biden may not be able to pull it off "singlehandedly" but that doesn't free him of his obligation to do what's right... which is to say to stop enabling the murder of ungodly numbers of people

2.) Netanyahoo will actively support -- with convincing daily calls -- near-term implementation of a two-state solution. 

It sickens me that Biden is "forcing" you me and everyone we know to "chip in" to Bibi's war chest by way of that portion of our tax money which is expended on munitions that kill Gazan women and children inidiscriminately.

The final toll of the number of Gazans bombed to death in yesterday's air raid on a refugee tent city is now just about equal to the population-adjusted toll of native-born Americans killed when the Twin Towers collapsed -- times 3.

Imagine not one, but three Twin Tower attacks on US soil yesterday.

And pretty much one (or more) every day.

I have a clearer idea that Biden will win in November if he puts Netanyahoo in his place, but I have nothing like a clear idea of his November victory if Joe just muddles along, especially after proving that his Rafah "redline' meant NOTHING.

Maybe Maher's indicating he might not vote for Biden is what Joe needs from 70 million of us that we can't be counted on unless he shows some cojones

Pax et amor


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