Tuesday, February 27, 2024

The Arab Vote: What’s Happening in Michigan Should Scare Democrats - The New York Times


17.5 (seventeen.five) dead Gazans is the population-adjusted number of Netanyahu-Biden victims needed to comprise the equivalent number of Americans who died when The Twin Towers toppled.
Biden knows better than to tolerate this genocidal outrage.
And if he does not know better, he does not deserve the support of moral people.
If the 2024 electoral result eventuates the destruction of American democracy - and the imposition of Trump as dictator - so be it.
Modern dictatorships do not last long.
And if Americans cannot take a stand against 450-plus Twin Tower equivalents, then it needs to be asked whether they those "Americans" are patriots or "fareriots."
We are all called upon to "draw the line" somewhere.
Four hundred genocidal Twin Tower equivalents leveled upon Gaza is where I draw the line.
Remember, the United States plunged into The National Lunacy as the result of just one Twin Tower toppling on 9/11.
Gazans are now four hundreds and fifty 9/11s into their analogous "lunacy."

And counting.

Opinion | What’s Happening in Michigan Should Scare Democrats - The New York Times

Alan Archibald alanarchibaldo@gmail.com

9:09 AM (2 hours ago)

Joe’s on the wrong side of The Extermination. (Oddly, it seems that he knows he’s on the wrong side.)

Yesterday, I did the math and determined that every time Israel kills 18 Gazans, that’s the population-adjusted equivalent of how many Americans died when The Twin Towers toppled.

With the perpetration of 450 (four hundred and fifty) population-adjusted Twin Tower calamities already perpetrated by Netanyahu-Uncle Sam, this new Axis of Evil has created an eternal well of Gazan resentment that impels Netanyahoo, almost ineluctably, to kill them all.


Just one 9/11 was enough to unleash our National Lunacy… and look where we are now. 

Still crazy after all these years.

Lest we forget, a huge swathe of Christian conservatives are zealously praying for Armageddon, so that 2.) Jesus will return (in “fulfillment of scripture”), 2.) Jesus will then lead them to Paradise, and 3,) the Messiah “come back” will commence a thousand year of prriod of terrestrial peace and prosperity.

I shit you not about these smiley-faced mofos. 

In their heart of hearts, they are — truly — Armageddon Cheerleaders.

They also comprise the distilled essence of Malignant Messiah’s base.

Although the ball is still in play, Trump could go down in history as the pawn who replaced America’s mildly democratic system of governance with in-your-face theocracy.

“God said it. They believe it. That settles it.”

At this moment in history, the 25 year old Air Force GI who immolated himself in front of the Israeli embassy in Washington DC, should be our most admired national hero.


Dear F,

Thanks for your email.

It has been said that a nation's budget is its most important moral document.

In the wake of World War II -- and until the Ukraine war -- Uncle Sam provided more aid (including more military aid) to Israel than to any other county. (Please keep in mind that the modern state of Israel has fewer than 10 million citizens... the approximate population of London.)

Joe continues to do this even though Netanyahu's reason for the genocidal carnage is to create a never-ending war so that Israelis will not throw him out of office.

Like his buddy Trump, Netanyahu knows that if he loses his elected political position, he will go to prison for his crimes - and (like Trump) quite possibly die behind bars.

Check out Jon Stewart on Gaza-Israel: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K2zbN3AuHG8

As for the hostages, how about a deal where they are immediately released if Netanyahu agrees to undergo trial by the United Nation or the International Court at the Hague?

As things stand, Joe is, in fact, complicit in ongoing genocide, and is palsy-walsy with a guy who is at least as bad as Malignant Messiah.


Tell a friend!

As for the remaining hostages in Gaza, I encourage you to read up on "proportionality" as a bedrock moral principle: https://guide-humanitarian-law.org/content/article/3/proportionality/



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