Sunday, November 12, 2023

Write a letter to the White House /// I wonder if my friend Steve Dear - Danny's Godfather - can get through to his acquaintances Martin Sheen, Bruce Springsteen and MASH's Mike Farrell about this. It will just take "a bug in the right ear."


Why I Always Vote - And Routinely Compromise My Principles - In Order To Elect A Winnable Candidate Who Is "The Lesser Of Two Evils"

Next November 1st, less than a year from today, Donald Trump -- whether he's behind bars or not... and perhaps especially if he's behind bars -- will be the odds on favorite to become president of the "United" States. Make no mistake, my friends. Fascism is just around the corner. And there is no one in America with a browner shirt nor a more hobnailed boot than Donald J. Trump. Like it or not, Joe Biden will be the Democratic candidate next November. Fortunately, Joe can be elected when no one else can. Here's how. 
My friends,

As mentioned during last night's conference call, I encourage you to write letters to the White House, emblazoned with the words "For Joe Biden's Eyes Only." 
As we have discussed, the purpose of such a letter is to persuade Joe of our idea to hire people whose full-time mission will be to "hit the road" to promote Joe's accomplishments with clarity, music and humor. 
Joe's many accomplishments are seldom reported, and never reported with the same blanket coverage as The Mad Man's most recent upchuck.
This newly-conceived mission deserves full-time attention from the White House itself.
Or, if there is legal impediment to Biden using government funds to inform citizens of his many accomplishments, then create an outside agency - perhaps parallel to "The Lincoln Project" - albeit with the antithetical goal of building Joe up, rather than dragging Trump down.
They're All Here! "The Lincoln Project" Produces The Best Take-Down Trump Ads:  
The Hilarity... And The Gravity
"The Joe Biden Project" could, for example, be coordinated by James Carville, although it would be even better if it were coordinated by someone younger and with more cachet, perhaps Jon Stewart. 
Or, "The Joe Biden Project" could be operated by a consortium of celebrities - including Stewart, Springsteen, Colbert and Jim Gaffigan who, among many others, would promote Joe's accomplishments with the same intensity that The Lincoln Project lacerates His Malignancy.
However, when you open this Wikipedia's page just scroll down the right hand column to see photos of most "Big Names." (Although Springsteen is mentioned by hyperlinked name, he is not featured with a photograph.)  
Such an initiative is a no-brainer, and the fact that Biden doesn't enjoy an industrial strength effort to toot his horn may be the element of his presidency that most calls into question his failing mental agility. 
Why doesn't Joe see this?
Why hasn't Joe already hired people in his inner circle who have persuaded him of the existential need to do this?
WTF is he thinking?!?!?!  (WTF is his staff thinking?!?!?)
Here is my first google hit after asking "How do I get a letter to the White House?":
If you write a letter to the White House  please consider typing it on an 8 1/2 by 11 inch sheet of paper. If you hand-write your letter, please write as neatly as possible with an ink pen 

Write or Call the White House

Alan: COVER your envelope with commemorative stamps. Every available space - front and back - needs to be covered with stamps. (I will prepare such an envelope to illustrate what I mean. And I will send it to the White House with my blog post link included. And I will take photos front and back to show you what I mean. Unlike the envelope below, my envelope will be an oversized 8 by 11 envelope.)


A parting reminder of what's in store:

Compendium Of Pax-Barbaria Posts Concerning Absolutism, Authoritarianism, Fascism And Trumpism

Wanna vote for a third party candidate?
Wanna protest by staying at home on election day?
Hey, this is America, Land of The Free!

The Sinclair Lewis Society: "Did Sinclair Lewis say, 'When fascism comes to American It will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross?" 

Pax et amor


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