Sunday, November 19, 2023

"We Are Each Other's Angels"


"We Are Each Other's Angels" is such a beautiful song!
Here, Chuck Brodsky performs it "live."

At ReverbNation, you can listen to Chuck Brodsky's studio version of "We Are Each Other's Angels"
while reading the lyrics on the ReverbNation page.
This webpage also provides a wonderfully informative biography.
For example, in it we learn that  
"The African Children's Choir in Uganda recently recorded his song, "We Are Each Other's Angels.""
Here's that link: 

I had the enormous pleasure of Whitney singing "Each Other's Angels" to me, accompanied by his own guitar.

Here is a comment I attached to my A.M. Facebook post:
I just learned of Chuck Brodsy's "Baseball Ballads" at last night's "Guatemalan celebration" with friends Whitney and Amy MacDonald.

In another vein altogether, Brodsky has written a remarkable song called, "We Are Each Other's Angels," which Whitney played for me around the backyard fire pit.

May be an image of text that says 'CHUCK BRODSKY Baueball Ballads BRODSK 28'

If you want to sample Brodsky's political protest music, here's a good place to start. 
"Me And My Supremacist Dad" lyrics. I encourage you to play the song before reading the lyrics, 
or listen along while you read.

Me And My Supremacist Dad
Me and my supremacists friends
We’re only doing what God intends
Burning crosses, burning mosques
Vandalizing synagogues
We’re the patriotic sons
With our semi-automatic guns
Prepping for a civil war
To make things like they was before

Me and my supremacist clan
This is how we take our stand
Underneath a nazi flag
Marching right up the main drag
Past the church and past the school
Where they teach the Golden Rule
Where the children play outside
When we go by they run and hide

The secret handshake makes you kin
At the door it gets you in
It’s how we tell a friend from foe
It’s something only we would know

Me and my supremacist buds
Stir each other’s thirst for blood
Getting drunker by the hour
Mixing things that all taste sour
Until we can’t control the rage
Any excuse to open the cage
It can not stay inside the house
The beast is foaming at the mouth
Me and my supremacist Dad (continued below...)
One time beat a foreigner bad

He was somewhere he shouldn’t have been
He shouldn’t have been with his color skin
And after daddy kicked his ass
We left him lying in the grass
I got some of my own licks in
He was somewhere he shouldn’t have been

The secret handshake makes you kin
At the door it gets you in
It’s how we tell a friend from foe
It’s something only we would know

Me and my twelve year old son
One time made a foreigner run
Chased him down a dead end street
Until the circle was complete
There was nowhere he could run…
But I couldn’t do what my daddy done…
Not in front of my own son…
I couldn’t do what daddy done

The secret handshake makes you kin
At the door it gets you in
It’s how we tell a friend from foe
It’s something only we would know

Pax on both houses: Cartoon: "Don't Monkey This Up!"

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