Tuesday, August 15, 2023

"Think Little" By Wendell Berry


Dear Vivian,

Thanks for joining us yesterday!

Despite the less-than-perfect weather, you contributed mightily to the wonderful time we had.

Then, when Cynthia arrived home last evening, I was thoroughly delighted by your birthday gift and card!

I routinely say that "Wendell Berry is America's greatest living prophet," and I look forward to reading your lovely, highly-portable volume to Cynthia during our imminent stay in Chautauqua. (I imagine my sister, Janet, will "listen in" too.)

I have not read either of the Berry essays contained in "Think Little," but I'm chomping at the bit! 

BTW... If you are unfamiliar with The Grammarist, you may well enjoy its enlightening clarifications. I visit the site "all" the time. https://grammarist.com/usage/champing-chomping-at-the-bit/

Alan  🎶💝🎶

PS The title of Berry's tome reminds me of a landmark publication in environmental literature, the splendid "Small Is Beautiful:A Study Of Economics As If People Mattered," by E. F. Schumacher https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Small_Is_Beautiful
In 1995 The Times Literary Supplement ranked Small Is Beautiful among the 100 most influential books published since World War II.

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