Wednesday, June 21, 2023

Education Memes: Presidents Kennedy, Adams, Jefferson and Franklin Roosevelt Weigh In

 Pax on both houses: Kennedy On The Linchpin Responsibility Of The ...

A Reminder From John F. Kennedy

Thomas Jefferson quote: Enlighten the people generally, and ...

Reprise: Trump Is The Symptom Of A Broken Educational System

"Human nature with all its infirmities and depravation is still capable of great things... Education makes a greater difference between man and man, than nature has made between man and brute."  John Adams' letter to Abigail, October 29, 1775 | made w/ Imgflip meme maker 

Most social and political evils can be remedied - in large part - by reading literature and history.

Go ahead! 
Read what else John Adams had to say.

John Adams

Alan: An educational proposal... just for you:

Each day, read an entire Wikiquote page dedicated to a notable human.

Instruction And Education Aim At Antipodes

Compendium Of Best "Pax" Posts On The Cornerstone Necessity Of Education

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