Saturday, February 25, 2023

Wonderful TED Talks About Sex And Marriage: "What You Don't Know About Marriage" /// "The Sex-Starved Marriage"


Most Beautiful Woman

While trying to relocate an excellent TED Talk given by a happily-married woman psychologist who believes - strongly - that married couples should make love just about every time one (or the other) partner expresses desire (even if the second partner doesn't want to), I came upon this highly amusing talk about durable marriages.

I even laughed out loud - all alone in my office.

I still hope to locate the other TED Talk about unusually frequent love-making, and when I do, I'll post the second TED talk below this one.

What You Don't Know About Marriage
In this funny, casual talk from TEDx, writer Jenna McCarthy shares surprising research on how marriages (especially happy marriages) really work. One tip: Do not try to win an Oscar for best actress.

(Here's the talk i was originally looking for.)

"The Sex-Starved Marriage"
Michelle Weiner-Davis


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