Thursday, February 23, 2023

A Letter To Friend, Rich, Describing The Relationship Between "Christian" "Conservatives" And Cormac McCarthy's Belief That The World Is Hurtling - Unstoppably - Toward Dystopia. And What I'm Doing To "Change" That


Dear Rich

I hope you - and all your loved ones - are well.

Here is how I introduced the article below when posting it to my Facebook page.

I don't share Cormac McCarthy's pessimism, but it is hard to argue against the case he makes.

Even so, I think Cormac himself is proof that individuals can escape the death spiral.

My hope - and my intent - is to do what I can to prove McCarthy wrong, not just individually,, but socially.

My kids have already picked up my torch and there are twice as many of them as there are of me.


I got to thinking about Cormac McCarthy today when I came upon this collection of Cormac's quotations -

I especially like the following quotation although it would read better as a standalone sentence. And I would replace "Fathers" were replaced with "Men": Fathers are always forgiven. In the end they are forgiven. Had it been women who dragged the world through these horrors there would be a bounty on them. “The Passenger” (Who knows? Women might bollux things too. But they've amply earned their chance to take the lead.) 

Two other McCarthy quotes intrigue me: 

Hard people make hard times.
— “Outer Dark”

As you may know, most days I communicate with Trump Cult "Christian" "conservative" friends. And I must say there is a hardness about them - an unflinching willingness, even eagerness - to send infidels (however it may be that they've breached their Christian "norms") to Hell, a place my friends also refer to as The Lake Of Unquenchable Fire.

It must be said that these folks often do good things for their family, friends and tribe. But once a targeted group or targeted individual is defined as "beyond the pale of acceptability," these ersatz, Pharisaic Christians are eager to stand atop the parapets of Hell, delighting in the torment of "the damned" roasting below.

What is perhaps most remarkable about these unwittingly cruel people is that they neither see what they are doing, nor recognize any of the gross inconsistencies they embody.

For example, they consider themselves non-judgmental, but -- like non-Christian QAnoners -- they accuse Hillary of participating in satanic rites to kill children and drink their blood (to get a dose of life-prolonging adrenochrome - ), while at the same time admitting NO flaw in Donald Trump, at least no flaw for which Malignant Messiah's now pristine "forgiven" self has not already been forgiven), and in the process of expounding this multifaceted malarkey, they manage - somehow! - to deny the glaring cruelty of Mafia Don.

Compendium Of Best "Pax-Barbaria" Posts About Trump-Cult Cruelty

And all this is part of devout Trumpistas' MO even though every "Christian" 'conservative" is capable of quoting the following bible verse.



At every turn Trump Cult "Christians" do whatever is necessary -- and/or expedient -- to keep their bogus view of the world intact, to keep their house of cards from crashing down.

It is personal. That's what an education does. It makes the world personal.
— “The Sunset Limited”

My comment here is a sequel to my previous observation about the hardness of "Christian" "conservatives" who are neither. They are against everything Western Civilization (including The Founding Fathers) considered to be a rigorous trustworthy educational process because at some level they know that if they have to study and learn by examining the fullness of truth that is only revealed by deep contextualization, their naive faith-based view of the world will collapse like a house of cards in Hurricane Katrina. And so, they appeal to St. Paul's comment that "the wisdom of the world is folly before God" and on the merits of that one bible verse, they exempt themselves from ANY learning that threatens the survival of their simplistic assumptions of how "God wants it to be." You may have heard the saying, "God said it. I believe it. That settles it." And immediately, every "Christian" "conservative" in the country gives himself a carte blanche to determine every detail of terrestrial truth, not to mention everything that goes on in the mind of God. The whole process by which QAnonsensical Trump cultists lobotomize themselves is flabbergasting.

As an educator, it is pellucidly clear to me that:

Compendium Of Best "Pax" Posts On The Cornerstone Necessity Of Education

Here is McCarthy's Wikipedia page:

Pax et amor


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