Wednesday, February 22, 2023

A Critical Mass Of American "Conservatives" Are Aggressively Ignorant, Boastfully Ignorant, Evangelically Ignorant -- Not To Mention Hateful And Cruel

 Pax on both houses: Conservatism And Liberalism

"Who Gets The Political Support Of 892 Certifiable U.S. Hate Groups?"

Compendium Of Best Pax Posts: American Political Violence Is "Exclusively" Right-Wing

Alan: The recent killing of an unarmed black man taking his daily jog in Georgia, spotlights what we all know but seldom say: An overwhelming number of U.S. hate crimes (a very large percentage of them racially motivated) are perpetrated by political conservatives.

It's just a fact. Plain as potatoes.

Not that factuality has much cachet with American "conservatives."


I have a conservative friend, who -- despite repeated correction -- insists that the Democratic Party is America's "Racist Party." 

She doesn't bother to argue from anything like a representative database but instead asserts whatever is ideologically convenient: because the south dominated by racists belonging that history of the Democratic Party, she claimed this was absolute, ironclad proof that Democrats are America's racist villains, and that Republicans have been the real champions of black people (and black causes) ever since Lincoln.

Not only are a hugely disproportioante number of conservatives stupid, ignorant, hateful, and/or cruel, they never took time, nor made the effort, to learn how to think and furthermore have no interest in learning any "elistist trickery" like "intellectual rigor," the "scientific method" or how to minimize "confirmation bias."

Confirmation Bias | made w/ Imgflip meme maker
"Confirmation Bias And The Power Of Disconfirming Evidence"  

Although "it's another story," it must be mentioned in passing that this sprawling assortment of dimwits, denialists and addlepates adhere to a kind of Christianity that routinely cites St. Paul's assertion that "the wisdom of the world is folly before God" and therefore -- to remain faithful to their Lord and Savior -- they feel a moral obligation to hunker down in their black holes. 

It does not even occur to this assemblage that Donald Trump is The Epitomization of worldly wisdom.

"The Love Of Money Is The Root Of All Evil" - An Open Invitation To Christian Conservatives

Immediately below, I have published a bibliography -- by topic -- that documents "conservative" stupidity, ignorance, hatefulness and cruelty.

Pax on both houses: Family Separation And The Deportation Of ...

Best Pax Posts About Trump's Cruelty, Mendacity And Seduction Of "Conservative" "Christians"

"A Comprehensive Review Of Trump's Racism"

"Compendium Of Best Pax Posts About Racism, White Supremacy And Voter Suppression"

Pax on both houses: "Cruelty Is The Point," An Update On Trump's ...
 Proof Positive: "We Live In The United States Of Barbaria"

"Compendium Of Best Pax Posts On Trump, Toxic Christianity And Cruelty As A Moral Obligation"

"The United States Of Barbaria": It Comes Down To Cruelty...

The Perfect Paradigm For "The United States Of Barbaria"

Christian Conservatives, The Republican Party, And Deliberate Cruelty As A Source Of Laughter

Compendium Of Best Pax Posts On Trump, Toxic Christianity And Cruelty As A Moral Obligation

"The Cruelty Is the Point": Trump And Many Of His Followers Delight In The Suffering Of Enemies

In The End, We Choose Between Cruelty And Kindness

Trump's America Is A Deliberately Cruel Place And "Christian" "Conservatives" Are The Cruelest

Tennessee Williams' Critique Of Cruelty Should Be Included In The World's Sacred Scripture

Nobel Laureate Paul Krugman Explains Why Republicans Are Qualitatively Worse Than Scrooge

Best Pax Posts About Trump's Cruelty, Mendacity And Seduction Of "Conservative" "Christians"

"Cruelty Is The Point," An Update On Trump's Policies And His White Christian Base

For Trump And Trumpistas Cruelty (AKA Hellish Torment) Is The Point

"Trump Administration Argues That Caged Migrant Kids Don't Deserve Toothpaste And Soap"

Momma Said There'd Be Days Like This: "Cruelty Is The Point"

Family Separation And The Deportation Of Parents Constitute Kidnapping And Human Trafficking

New England Journal Of Medicine Determines The Lethality Of Trump's Family Separation Policy

Trump's Cruelty Is Not A Marginal Aberration. Trump's Cruelty Is The Point

Compendium Of Best Pax Posts On Systematic American Cruelty

"When Hate Came To El Paso," Introduced By A Central American Civil Rights Worker

Illegal Immigrants Commit Crime At A Considerably Lower Rate Than Trump's Inner Sanctum

PolitiFact Probes Biden's Debate Claim That Obama Administration Did Not Cage Immigrants
My Own Contact With Family Separation, And The Young Girl Who Died
(The Story Of UNC-CH Public Health Professor John Hatch)

Pax on both houses: Trump's America Is A Deliberately Cruel Place ...

"Brilliant GIF: Melania And Malignant Messiah Visit The Lincoln Monument"

Pax on both houses: A Confession: I'm Starting To "Write Off ...
Stupidity And Ignorance

Video: "If You Don't Think Trump And Trumpistas Are Hypocritical, Dishonest And Stupid, You Will!"

"The Exquisite Stupidity Of Trump Supporters"

It Has Come To This: How Do Intelligent Citizens Deal With The Irredeemably Stupid, Ignorant And Self-Pithed People Who Have Taken Over? The Invasion Of The Body Snatchers Is Now Reality

"A Video Collage Of Trump's Arrogance: If You Are Even Vestigially Normal, You Will Sicken"

"Jaw-Dropping Stupidity: 3 Short Videos That Will Change Your View Of American Politics Forever"

"The Daily Show" Lets Trump Cultists Reveal Their Own Stupidity And Obsequious Boot-Licking

"A Confession: I'm Starting To Write Off Stupid People As Incorrigible"
"The Demonstrable Stupidity Of Trump-Cultists"

We Know That Stupid People Exist. We Also Know Who They Are...

"Thinking Is A Learned Skill. Most Trumpistas Don't Understand This. In Fact, They Can't."

"Mark Twain, Adolf Hitler And The Dunning-Kruger Effect"

Barack Obama: "It’s Like These Guys Take Pride In Being Ignorant."

"Trump Is An Idiot's Idea Of A Genius": Find Out Why
Are We At That Point Where "The Sapiens" Are Again Separating From "The Neanderthals?"

"P.J. O'Rourke On Trump, Trumpistas And The Futility Of Drug Tests: Test For Stupidity, Ignorance, Greed And The Love Of Power"

"The Exquisite Stupidity Of Trump Supporters"

Pax on both houses: The Donald Trump Sign In Front Of Cop Killer's ...


"A Simple Test For Trump Supporters: Are You Hateful, Racist Or A White Nationalist/Supremacist?"

"Who Gets The Political Support Of 892 Certifiable U.S. Hate Groups?"

Compendium Of Best Pax Posts: American Political Violence Is "Exclusively" Right-Wing

Corrupted By Grifters And Charlatans, Evangelicalism Has Devolved Into A Hate Group

Pax on both houses: "Revenge Of The Underperforming Middle Schoolers"

Bonus Round 1


Compendium Of Pax Posts: The Unfathomable Mendacity Of Donald Trump And His Lickspittle Liars

Compendium Of Best Pax Posts On Trump And His Cultists' Passion For Lying And Falsehood

Truth Infuriates People Whose Lives Are Lies

American Conservatives Want To Be Lied To, But First Want To Redefine Falsehood As Truth

Pax on both houses: Trump Tells The Truth: "I Lie"

"Trump Is A Traitor By Virtue Of Normalizing Falsehood And Teaching Americans To Do The Same"

It's Not That The Assholes Are Uninterested In Truth. 
They Are Hostile To Truth.
"The Hardest Truth: People Want To Be Lied To"

"Trumpistas Don't Just Lie. 
They Are Hostile To Truth"

Compendium Of Pax Posts Concerning Trump's Habitual Lying

If Mueller Had Been Given Sodium Pentathol, Here's What He Would've Told Us

VIDEO: Trump Tells More Lies Than Any U.S. Politician. Why Do Patriots And Xtians Believe A Liar?

Reprise: How Trump "Takes Credit" That's Not His... And The Dimwits Buy It

People Want To Be Lied To: The Convergent Horror Of Faithful Falsehood And Aggressive Ignorance

Trump Could Begin Every Speech With The Words "Everything I'm About To Tell You Is A Lie" And...

Republicans Generally - And Trump Specifically - Are Eager To Lie And Cheat If It Expands Their Power

False Witness

Comparing American Politicians' Lie Rates (From Mormon Press)

How Conservatives Use Decontextualized Shards Of Truth To Tell HUGE Lies

Pax on both houses: Roy Moore Supporters Don't Want The ...

Chris Wallace: "Trump Is Engaged In The Most Direct, Sustained Assault On Freedom..."

Fox News' Chris Wallace: Republicans Angry Because They're "Having Trouble With The Facts"

Snopes Probes Rep. Omar's Foul Mouth: How Fox News Takes Tiny Truths And Twists Them Into Gargantuan Lies

Reprise: How Trump "Takes Credit" That's Not His... And The Dimwits Buy It

Trump, Obama, Intellectual Rigor And Teasing Out Truth: What Golf Tells Us

How Conservatives Use Decontextualized Shards Of Truth To Tell HUGE Lies

Pax on both houses: George Carlin Cuts To The Heart Of America's ...

Snopes Probes Rep. Omar's Foul Mouth: How Fox News Takes Tiny Truths And Twists Them Into Gargantuan Lies

Compendium Of Pax Posts Concerning Trump's Habitual Lying

It's Not That The Assholes Are Uninterested In Truth. 
They Are Hostile To Truth.

VIDEO: Trump Tells More Lies Than Any U.S. Politician. Why Do Patriots And Xtians Believe A Liar?

Reprise: How Trump "Takes Credit" That's Not His... And The Dimwits Buy It

People Want To Be Lied To: The Convergent Horror Of Faithful Falsehood And Aggressive Ignorance

Verbatim Trump Quote: "Any Negative Polls Are Fake News."

Image result for "pax on both houses" the truth will set you free

Bonus Round 2

Conservatism's Benighted Politics

"There Is Neither Nobility, Nor Kindness Nor Uplift In Trump's America"

Video: "If You Don't Think Trump And Trumpistas Are Hypocritical And Dishonest, You Will Now!"

Video: "Heroes Of The Pandumbic" (Watch This To The Very End!)

"The Divinity Of Donald Trump"
The Daily Show
"A Video Collage Of Trump's Arrogance: If You Are Even Vestigially Normal, You Will Sicken"

Why Doesn't This Trump Quote Reveal His Satanic Mendacity To Anyone With A Single Synapse?

If I Could Send Donald's Dunces To "Time Out" Until They Completed An Assignment, Here It Is

"How We Ended Up In 2 Totally Divided Camps, Both Convinced They're Absolutely Right"

Christian Ministers Have A Moral Obligation To Call Bullshit On Trump Cultists Spreading Lies
If Trump Cult Liars Do Not Repent, Their Descendants Will Be Ashamed Of Them Forever

Politics And Religion: Read These Posts And You Will Emerge "Blue," Or Need To Lie To Yourself

If The Current Economic Collapse Had Happened On Obama's Watch...

Video: "If You Don't Think Trump And Trumpistas Are Hypocritical And Dishonest, You Will Now!"

"There Is Neither Nobility, Nor Kindness Nor Uplift In Trump's America"

Umair Haque: "Lessons From American Collapse" (Remember How Fast The Soviet Union Fell?)

Republicans Generally - And Trump Specifically - Are Eager To Lie And Cheat If It Expands Their Power

Compendium Of Pax Posts: The Unfathomable Mendacity Of Donald Trump And His Lickspittle Liars

"The Exquisite Stupidity Of Trump Supporters"

"You Are Not Entitled To Your Own Facts," Daniel Patrick Moynihan

Pax on both houses: Facebook Correspondent Defends Non-Racist ...
Christian Ministers Have A Moral Obligation To Call Bullshit On Trump Cultists Spreading Lies

"A Warning From The Surgeon General"

Pax on both houses: Trump's America Is A Deliberately Cruel Place ...

Bonus Round 3


"The Moral Confusion Of Trump Christians," John Pavlovitz
Christian Ministers Have A Moral Obligation To Call Bullshit On Trump Cultists Spreading Lies
If Trump Cult Liars Do Not Repent, Their Descendants Will Be Ashamed Of Them Forever

Pax on both houses: Trump's Role In Christians Losing Their Soul

"Conservative" "Christians" Refuse To Distinguish Between Punishment And Compassion

Fr. Thomas Merton Explains -- In 16 Words -- Why "Christian" "Conservatives" Are Always Wrong

Armageddon Cheerleaders: "Christian" "Conservatives" Pining For Nuclear Conflagration

Compendium Of Best Pax Posts: What I Think About Christianity

Evangelical Academic Decries Coronavirus Theories: "Gullibility Is Not A Christian Virtue"

(St. Paul Put To Evil Use By "Christian" "Conservatives")

"Jimmy Carter On The Separation Of Church And State And The Danger Of Religious Superiority"

Aquinas Discovers That "Divine Truth" Cannot Contradict Nature And "The Natural Light"

American Conservatives Are The Apotheosis Of Pharisaism. (Conservatives, Please Weigh In)

Bibliolatry... And How To Live Happily Ever After

Why Doesn't This Trump Quote Reveal His Satanic Mendacity To Anyone With A Single Synapse?

"Hey, Christian! How Many Of Jesus' Moral Stands Do You Approve? Take The Test!"

"A Simple Test For Trump Supporters: Are You Hateful, Racist Or A White Nationalist/Supremacist?"

"My Attempt To Supply A Rigid Christian Friend With A Theological Alternative To Self-Strangulation"

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