Sunday, November 20, 2022

Trump Is Toast: Devastaing Super Clips By Ari Melber And Lawrence O'Donnell Backed By Michael Moore's "Blood In The Water" Slicing And Dicing



There may be a slow moment or two in these 2 clips, but overall, I think they offer clear insight into the implications of Trump (and the GOP's) debacle in the mid-terms.

1.) Ari Melber's analysis of the red trickle:

2.) And here is Lawrence O'Donnell's view of the "GOP House" as an "albatross" that will do them considerably more damage than good.

The Bonus Round

From the beginning, Trump dedicated himself to destroying the Party of Lincoln, replacing it with The Party (aka Cult) of Trump.
Now that Mafia Don has been revealed as a vengeful blowhard whose cruel heart is set on nothing but vengeance and self-aggrandizement, there is little left after being focuses on the abominable candidates Trump endorsed -- and then watching the Hindenburg crash and burn -- to attract people to this unprecedentedly hollow man.

Excerpt: “All political figures have a shelf life."

And Trump's shelf life always depended on the false perception that his ceaseless bluster would result in so much "winning" that his lickspittles would never grow tired.

But now that Malignant Messiah's looking glass has cracked, it is immediately apparent that "there is no there there.”

And never was.

Even the Dark Lord's darling daughter Ivanka did not attend Trump's candidacy announcement.

And Don Junior was a no-show. (Bafflegab miniature was conveniently prevented from helping with Dad's desperate relaunch by a hunting trip in Montana.)

The wind is going out of Agent Orange's sails so quickly that his erstwhile devotees will wonder -- very soon -- what the hell happened!?!?!

Plus, it is clear Trump is no longer having fun.

It is also clear - all across the political spectrum (and not just MSNBC) -- that Mr. Bluster is a loser.

A world class loser.

The only president to be impeached twice.

A windbag who told more provable lies during his single term administration than the total number of stars that can be seen in a perfectly clear night sky.

It has been accurately observed that the one thing Satan cannot stand is ridicule.

For a satanic man -- who desperately wants and needs approval -- to enter a domain of relentless ridicule will be unbearable.
Furthermore - and perhaps most devastatingly - it is clear that the GOP old guard now has the cojones to "show mofo the door."

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