Monday, September 12, 2022

Psilocybin Research For A Range Of Psychological Maladies - Pursuant To The Conversation I Had Earlier Today With My Back "Surgeon's" Physician Assistant, Kevin Gentile


Psilocybin Mushroom

Compendium of Best "Pax-Barbaria" Posts On Psychedelics

Diane Rehm Show: Using Psychedelic Drugs To Treat PTSD & Other Mental Disorders

Michael Pollan: "The Trip Treatment": Research Into Psychedelics, Shut Down For Decades, Is Now Yielding Exciting Results

Psilocybin Research: Possible Psychiatric And Psychological Applications (With Michael Pollan's Article, "The Trip Treatment")

Large Study Links Controlled LSD Use To Reduced Recidivism

Dr. Carl Sagan’s Essay In Praise Of Marijuana


Today, I had a follow-up meeting with radiological interventionist, Dr. Alan Alper Sag M.D., who (4 weeks ago today), performed kyphoplasty on my lumbar vertebrae numbers 1 and 2 to repair compression fractures at both sites. 

Alan Alper Sag M.D., Interventional Radiologist, Duke University Medical Center's Brain and Spine Center

A 35 year old physician's assistant "in-training," Kevin Gentile, preceded Dr. Sag's arrival in order to conduct a preliminary interview.  

Kevin remained throughout my consultation with Dr. Sag. (As an aside, I will add that I have never seen any professional person's support team so uniformly gung-ho to sing the boss' praises. Kevin, who is from the New York City sprawl into New Jersey area, confided that he was initially tempted to see Dr. Sag's warm embrace, upbeat cheerfulness, and total commitment to his patients as 'disingenuous' but it didn't take long for him to realize he's 'the real deal.' When it comes to kyphoplasty, Dr. Sag -- supported by his loving team -- is quite likely the best interventional radiologist in the world.)

Five minutes after my half hour consultation with Dr. Sag ended, Kevin returned to deliver my "discharge papers" which summarized the day's examination and interview, an interview based largely on an MRI performed at Duke Regional Hospital last Friday, an interview supplemented by a sheet of questions I had composed beforehand.

Handing my discharge papers, Kevin asked "what I did", noting that I was unusually conversant in medical terminology.

A fascinating conversation ensued in which Kevin told me he was a second year Duke PA student, and that he recently completed his research project - an obligatory component of his second and final 12 month academic year.

As it happened, Kevin chose to explore the rapidly developing use of psilocybin in the treatment of major depression; end-of-life re-orientation from hopelessness to hopefulness; and other manifestations of psychological suffering/stuckness/unlovingness -- research that was leading to experience-based "treatments" that routinely lend themselves to "magic mushroom" remedy.

It needs to be emphasized that these "cures" are not by way of random recreational use (which can be very dangerous) but by virtue of a three-step clinical program that 1.) prepares the patient for the experience, 2.) then immerses the patient in the psilocybin experience... along with continual support, guidance and care by well-trained staff, and 3.) finally integrates the revelations of psilocybin experience into the patient's daily life during follow-up support that lasts at least a year.

Much of this groundbreaking work with psilocybin has been done at Johns Hopkins University ever since Roland Griffiths "re-opened" psychedelic research there in 1999, decades after Richard Nixon's "successfully" suppressed all such investigation. 

An aside...

Just yesterday, I found myself reflecting on the virtual elimination of obligatory Civics instruction from the nation's public schools, resulting in dimwittedness from sea-to-shining-sea, with the end result of creating a nation of pithed citizens eager to elect Donald Trump to The Oval Office despite his relentless torrent of lies and the culminating normalization of unhinged conspiracy theories that are best summarized as Q-Anonsense. 

The American Right-Wing's Ersatz Theology: Ancient Gnostic Heresy Is A Key To Understanding QAnon 
(An Illuminating Interview From NPR's "On The Media")

During my recent trip to New York, I learned from a pizza delivery friend that many of his fellows don't know that Joe Biden is president, even though their using their pizza delivery earnings to pay their way through college. Don't believe it? I venture you didn't think Malignant Messiah could be elected.

Although my hypothesis (below) needs carefully controlled scientific testing, my tentative assumption is that the oligarchic-and-plutocratic structures that undergird much of American governance have long since decided -- as Nixon did -- that too many people were seeing through Big Money's self-aggrandizing scam, and, in order to terminate the threat of widespread consciousness raising, these ungodly rich people (whose only goal is to acquire more) decided to dumb down the nation's educational process --- in large part by the elimination of Civics instruction -- simultaneously implementing a profiteering "research re-orientation" increasingly controlled by Big Pharma specifically, and Big Money generally.

How Wealth Rules The World

Saving Our Communities and Freedoms from the Dictatorship of Property

Facebook Thread About Big Pharma Malfeasance, And The First Ever Woman Editor Of "The New England Journal Of Medicine," Maria Angell's Spot-On Criticism Of The Pharmaceutical Industry


The first link below is a TED talk by one of Roland Griffiths' close collaborators at Johns Hopkins, Mary Cosimano.

Ms. Cosimano provides a clear overview to this revelatory research.

(I should mention that the third video below focuses on the psilocybin research of Charles Grob, a decisive figure in physician assistant Kevin Gentile's research project in the Duke PA program.)

Psilocybin, love and the meaning of life

About This Talk ... Leading psychopharmacologist Roland Griffiths discloses the ways that psychedelic drugs can be used to create spiritually meaningful, ...
https://2013.psychedelicscience.orghttps://www.maps.orgPsilocybin at the End of LifeCharles Grob, MDAbstract: This talk will present the ...
YouTube · MAPS · Jul 24, 2013
Dr Charles Grob - Psilocybin at End of Life. 250 views250 views. May 18, 2019 ... TEDx TalksTEDx Talks. •. 6.4M views 6 years ago ...
YouTube · Breaking Convention · May 18, 2019

A clinical psychologist from Imperial College describes how Magic Mushrooms ... This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference ...
YouTube · TEDx Talks · Feb 28, 2017
It focuses on the psilocybin mushroom and examines key scient. ... This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but ...
YouTube · TEDx Talks · Dec 21, 2016
In 1999, he started the Johns Hopkins Psilocybin Research Project. ... Dr. Griffiths has given several TEDMed and TEDx talks, including one on using ...
Apr 25, 2019 — Does Psilocybin Hold The Key To Treating PTSD And Depression? ... A TED Talk on the science of psilocybin and its ability to reduce ...

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