Sunday, September 11, 2022

Bill Maher At His Best: New Rule: America's Danger Zone | Real Time



One of the things I like most about Bill Maher is that in every Real Time program he says a number of things to piss off EVERYBODY.

God bless Bill Mahar's broad brush criticism.

Everyone's a target.

And although he sometimes misses the mark, his scattershot, "take no prisoners" ballsiness encourages me that someone "out there" is prepared to take on all comers.

No one else even comes close to Maher's "pox on them all" critiques.

If you don't want to be irked by Mahar's inevitable irreverence, just walk on by.

But if you want to hear a brilliant critique of America's war machine, this video clip may be the apple of your eye.

Pax et amor


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