Sunday, June 5, 2022

The Founding Fathers, The European Enlightenment And Deism: Reading "The Riot Act" To My "Conservative" "Christian" Friend KK

 Image result for "pax on both houses" i wouldn't believe that if it were true

Hear this well, Karen.

If you don't stop making unsupported assertions, you will, in effect, "block yourself" from my Facebook page by being a bad faith participant.

Henceforth, you MUST post links whenever you make assertions like "The Clintons have been buying and selling whoever will carry water for them since they got into position to race to the White House."

I am not saying such unsupported assertions are necessarily untrue, but I put high value on "intellectual rigor" and "epistemological integrity" and consequently I play by the time-tested rules of "The European Enlightenment" whose philosophical premises informed "The Founding Fathers."

"American Enlightenment And The Founding Fathers"

"The Age Of Enlightenment"
Simple English Wikipedia

I work hard at our dialogue Karen, and you don't.

Far more often than not, you blather - flaming away with "all cap" references to "TRUTH," "JUSTICE" and "DO YOU EVEN CARE"... the implicit message being that you are devoted to truth, justice and caring like no one else on the planet.

And so I will no longer participate in publicizing your undocumented blather.

By requiring you to document your assertions, I am not saying your positions are indefensible.

However, henceforth I require you to defend your assertions with hyperlinked documentation.

You have a week to get used to this new regimen, and during that week I will warn you of any breaches by posting this same script every time you abuse the process.

Your free ride is over.

Get to work.

Or get thee gone.

Compendium Of Facebook Exchanges With Christian Fundamentalist Friend

In effect, I will no longer "carry your water." 

You need to carry it yourself and, to that end, you need to do research and provide hyperlinked references. 

It has become too labor-intensive doing research that you (and others in the "confirmation bias bubble") should be doing for yourselves - leaving little likelihood that I can persuade you to wake up from the white, "Christian," Trumpista cult you've fallen into. 

If nothing else, you may learn that "the intellectual elites" (as right-wingers call them) usually -- not always, but usually -- know what they are talking about, and you will, in some small way, learn how to pursue truth with results that have a chance of being trustworthy.

At the moment, the following link details the "intellectual rigor" and "epistemological integrity" that you currently bring to bear in your pursuit of "truth."

QAnon Is Nucking Futs: A Clearing House For Crazy People (Which Continually Tells Them THEY Are The Sane Ones)

Image result for "pax on both houses" i wouldn't believe that if it were true

"There Is Neither Nobility, Nor Kindness, Nor Uplift In Trump's America"

Christianity: A Compendium Of "What Went Wrong" And Current Worship Of The Wrongness

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