Sunday, February 13, 2022

Correspondence With Frog Hospital's Fred Owens Re: COVID Denial And Vaccine Opposition


"Over Half Of Unvaccinated Adults Fear Needles"

Dear Fred

Thanks for your update.

I didn't even think about fear of needles. Good one!

COVID deniers and vaccine opponents are inordinately cowardly-fearful people, and in a futile effort to protect themselves from an imaginary matrix of of perceived threats, they resort to the evangelization of weaponry and fascist politics which I define as any attempt to make reality safer than God intended it to be.

Not one of these essentially violent, punitive people -- despite their professions of Christianity -- can even look at this verse from John's first epistle.

"There is no fear in love. 
But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. 
The one who fears is not made perfect in love."
1 John 4:18

No doubt I've said it before, but it bears repetition: "Cristian" "conservatives" (who are neither) are totally at home  in the Old Testament but have vanishingly little fondness for the spirit of Jesus. 

Indeed "conservative" "Christians" use the Old Testament's Thunder Sky God (not that there aren't other visions of God in the O.T.) as their first line of defense against any understanding of the New Testament vision that puts love and forgiveness first.


In their heart of hearts, "conservative" "Christians" are all about punishment, which is why they venerate Malignant Messiah, an essentially vengeful, punitive "man".

Pax et amor


On Sun, Feb 13, 2022 at 11:32 AM Fred Owens <> wrote:

Dear Classmates,

You could have asked me where is the hot spot, where is all the excitement. Beijing? Kyiv? Los Angeles? Ottawa? .... Ottawa? Well, Canada, this is your day. Tell us how it's done. There was no violence, nobody was shot or beaten, no buildings were set on fire, no windows smashed. It could have been so much worse. Except it's not over and it still could get a lot worse, especially down here. Mandatory injections are terrifying to a small minority of our people. Fear of needles was acquired at the age of seven, but people can't admit that fear as adults so they cloak their fears in a demand for liberty. I'm not scared of injections myself, but I make a habit of turning my head away when they take the jab. So we're having a problem with that.

Next, using trucks to block streets was a brilliant innovation in Ottawa. In Los Angeles, the 405 is the busiest freeway in the nation. You could shut it down for hours with a dozen trucks. But local drivers are not as patient or forgiving if this were to happen in sunny California on Super Bowl Sunday. My son Eugene works in the library near the stadium where the game takes place this afternoon. He is planning to stay home -- a smart move. 

But why worry. Since we don't know what is going to happen, since we're in for a surprise of one kind or another, let's hope for a good outcome. That is certainly possible. That's what I'm hoping for.

Otherwise, life is good in Santa Barbara. The weather has been warm and sunny. Everybody enjoys that, except we are way short of rain. Laurie made lemon bars for the Super Bowl party at the home of our next door neighbors. Sasha the cat is getting pretty old, 17. My daughter is expecting her third child -- they're looking to buy a bigger house. 

take care,


Fred Owens
cell: 360-739-0214

My gardening blog is  Fred Owens

My writing blog is Frog Hospital


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